younger.better-educated and more professional 7、内部安全大检查 in-house security inspection 8经济管理人才 economic managers: 9、讲政治 be politically minded/aware:enhance one's political awareness 10、 以外贸企业为龙头 with foreign trade firms as the locomotive/flagship 四、翻译下列汉语38%) 1、与企业合作,寻求双赢之路 Win-Win Cooperation with Businesses 2、请不要在此倒垃圾 Pleasedo not leave rubbish here 3、没有最好,只有更好 Tomake the best even better 4、重庆火锅—非常麻辣烫 Chafing dish of Chongqing style-spicy and delicious 5、如今武夷山已被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然与文化遗产。 Now the Wuyi Mountain has been inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites 6、这家宾馆装修使用的是易燃材料,而不是防火材料。 The hotel had used flammable materials for decoration.instead offireproof ones. 7、中山大学由孙中山先生于1924年亲手创办。1926年,为纪念孙中山先生,政名为中山大学。 Zhongshan University was founded in 1924 by Dr.Sun Yat-sen,also known as Sun Zhongshan,the great leader of the democratic revolution in China.To commemorate Dr.Sun,it was renamed Zhongshan University in 1926. 8、擠要:该故障诊断系统具有开发耗用低、易于维护、可在线诊断等特点。 Abstract:This fault diagnosis system features low developing cost,easy maintenance and on-ine fault diagnosis. 9、十年来,中国旅游业达到了前所未有的蓬勃局面。 The past decade has seen an unprecedented boom in China's tourist industry. 10、土笋冻是国南的一道风味菜。 Jellied Tu Suna kind of seafood.isone of the special dishes in South Fujian 11、该电热水壶适用于家庭、机关、企事业等单位快速煮沸开水及饮料. The kette boils water and makeshot drinks fast atyounger, better-educated and more professional 7、 内部安全大检查 in-house security inspection 8、 经济管理人才 economic managers; professionals in economic administration 9、 讲政治 be politically minded/aware; enhance one's political awareness 10、 以外贸企业为龙头 with foreign trade firms as the locomotive / flagship 四、翻译下列汉语 (38%) 1、与企业合作,寻求双赢之路 Win-Win Cooperation with Businesses 2、请不要在此倒垃圾。 Please do not leave rubbish here. 3、没有最好,只有更好 To make the best even better 4、重庆火锅——非常麻辣烫 Chafing dish of Chongqing style—spicy and delicious 5、如今武夷山已被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然与文化遗产。 Now the Wuyi Mountain has been inscribed on the UNESCO list of World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites. 6、这家宾馆装修使用的是易燃材料,而不是防火材料。 The hotel had used flammable materials for decoration, instead of fireproof ones. 7、中山大学由孙中山先生于1924年亲手创办。1926年,为纪念孙中山先生,改名为中山大学。 Zhongshan University was founded in 1924 by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, also known as Sun Zhongshan, the great leader of the democratic revolution in China. To commemorate Dr. Sun, it was renamed Zhongshan University in 1926. 8、摘要:该故障诊断系统具有开发耗用低、易于维护、可在线诊断等特点。 Abstract: This fault diagnosis system features low developing cost, easy maintenance and on-line fault diagnosis. 9、十年来,中国旅游业达到了前所未有的蓬勃局面。 The past decade has seen an unprecedented boom in China's tourist industry. 10、土笋冻是闽南的一道风味菜。 Jellied Tu Sun, a kind of seafood, is one of the special dishes in South Fujian. 11、该电热水壶适用于家庭、机关、企事业等单位快速煮沸开水及饮料。 The electric kettle boils water and makes hot drinks fast at home or in the office
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