48.Margaret Thatcher撒切尔 She came into power as Britain's first woman Prime Minister in 1979 when her Conservative party won the general election. She advocated the idea of small government and free-market economics.During her term as the Prime Minister,she carried out policies to privatize the nationalized industry and to cut tax rates.As a result,many businesses boomed but unemployment rate increased. She was later replaced by John Major(梅杰)in 1990.48. Margaret Thatcher撒切尔 ◆ She came into power as Britain‘s first woman Prime Minister in 1979 when her Conservative party won the general election. She advocated the idea of small government and free-market economics. During her term as the Prime Minister, she carried out policies to privatize the nationalized industry and to cut tax rates. As a result, many businesses boomed but unemployment rate increased. She was later replaced by John Major (梅杰)in 1990