《房地产调查实务》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16069502 课程名称:房地产调查实务 英文名称:Real estate project survey practice 课程类别:专业限选课 学 时:32(实验16】 学 分:2 用对象:房地产开发与管理专业学生 考核方式:考查 先修课程:房地产开发与经营 二、课程简介 房地产调查实务主要讲述了房地产与房地产市场基础知识:房地产市场调查的程 序、方法和内容;态度测量和样本设计:问卷设计、资料收集、整理与分析:房地产 市场预测基本理论和方法:房地产市场调查报告的撰写等内容。房地产调查实务的教 学方法是理论学习和实践练习相结合,通过该课程的学习学生系统的掌握了进行房地 产市场调查的方法和分析的能力,可以为今后从事房地产营销策划工作奠定扎实的专 业基础,也可以从事房地产市场调查方面的工作。 Real estate survey practice focuses on the housing real estate and estate market basic knowledge;the procedures,methods and contents of the real estate market survey:attitud measurement and sample design;questionnaire design,data collection,collation and analysis,the real estate market forecast basic theory and method,the real estate market survey report writing,etc.Real estate survey practice teaching method is a combination of theoretical study and practice,through the course system of learning students to master the method of the real estate market survey and analysis ability,can work in the real estate marketing planning for the future lay a solid professional foundation,also can be engaged in the real estate market survey. 三、课程教学的基本要求 (一)课程设置能力要求 要求学生具备进行房地产市场调研的实践能力、具备对调研获取资料进行分析整 理的能力、具备对调研结果进行总结和归纳的能力。 1 1 《 房地产调查实务》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:16069502 课程名称:房地产调查实务 英文名称: Real estate project survey practice 课程类别:专业限选课 学 时: 32 (实验 16) 学 分:2 适用对象: 房地产开发与管理专业学生 考核方式:考查 先修课程:房地产开发与经营 二、课程简介 房地产调查实务主要讲述了房地产与房地产市场基础知识;房地产市场调查的程 序、方法和内容;态度测量和样本设计;问卷设计、资料收集、整理与分析;房地产 市场预测基本理论和方法;房地产市场调查报告的撰写等内容。房地产调查实务的教 学方法是理论学习和实践练习相结合,通过该课程的学习学生系统的掌握了进行房地 产市场调查的方法和分析的能力,可以为今后从事房地产营销策划工作奠定扎实的专 业基础,也可以从事房地产市场调查方面的工作。 Real estate survey practice focuses on the housing real estate and estate market basic knowledge; the procedures, methods and contents of the real estate market survey; attitude measurement and sample design; questionnaire design, data collection, collation and analysis, the real estate market forecast basic theory and method, the real estate market survey report writing, etc. Real estate survey practice teaching method is a combination of theoretical study and practice, through the course system of learning students to master the method of the real estate market survey and analysis ability, can work in the real estate marketing planning for the future lay a solid professional foundation, also can be engaged in the real estate market survey. 三、课程教学的基本要求 (一) 课程设置能力要求 要求学生具备进行房地产市场调研的实践能力、具备对调研获取资料进行分析整 理的能力、具备对调研结果进行总结和归纳的能力