Xingcheng geology,Geological re May 2013.first edition 13.The main teaching reference books:nothing 14.Teaching and research department--author:Teaching and research office of Petrology mineralogy and geochemistry-Zheng Changqing inolved in preparation:Li Weimin Dong Yongsheng.Huang Yulong.Jia Xiaohui 15.Compilation date:July,022 中文课程简介 《地质学思政社会实践》是教学计划中重要的社会实践环节,“地质学思政社会实践闲 程,结合地学人才培养野外实践这一特点,开展“兴城5+1专业实习与社会实践”,面向地学 部4个学院、15个地质学相关专业本科二年级学生,通过该课程的学习。了解中华民族修 筑长城、建造古城的智慧与坚韧,了解民族解放军民同心的光辉历史,传承地质先辈不畏 艰辛、永攀高峰的科学探索精神,学习黄大年时代楷模“心有大我、至诚报国”的爱国情怀: 培养正确的历史观:奠定爱党爱国基调:传承爱岗敏业精神,培养独立思考的思辨力、团队 协作精神,立志献身科学探索:提高大学生的思想境界,增强历史文化自信,传承中华民 族精神,家国情怀,铸造敏业奉献品质。 英文课程简介 Geological ideological and political social practice is an important social practice in the teaching pn for the undergraduate ith geological and ideology and politics education social practice,carries out"5+1 professional practice and social practice"pattern.The course sets up for four colleges in the Faculty of Earth Sciences 15 geology-related majors.Through the course of learning,the aims are,to understand the wisdom and tenacity of the Chinese nation who builds the Great Wall and the ancient city:to understand the glorious history of national liberation"the army and the people are of one mind"to inherit the scientific exploration spirit of geological ancestors.who never fear hardship and never climb mountains,to earn from the time model (Prof.Huang Danian).who has the most sincere patriotic feelings.Moreover,to develop a correct view of history.to set the tone of loving the party and country:to inherit the spirit of love and dedication:to cultivate the critical ability of independent college students,to enhance the confidence in history and culture,to inherit the spirit of the Chinese nation,patrioism and to forge thequality of dedication. (一)教学目的 通过本课程社会实践使学生了解中华民族修筑长城、建造古城的智慧与坚韧,了解民族 解放“军民同心”的光辉历史,传承地质先辈不畏艰辛、水攀高峰的科学探索精神,学习黄大 年时代楷模“心有大我、至诚报国的爱国情怀。其次,培养正确的历史观,严谨的思辨力, 团队协作精神,分析问题解决问题的能力,为高年级专业学习奠定基础。最后,提升学生对 地学专业的认同感,增强历史文化自信,传承中华民族精神,培养爱党爱国情怀,铸造墩 奉献品质。 14 Xingcheng geology, Geological Press, May 2013, first edition 13. The main teaching reference books: nothing 14. Teaching and research department -- author: Teaching and research office of Petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry-Zheng Changqing, Personnel involved in preparation: Li Weimin, Dong Yongsheng, Huang Yulong, Jia Xiaohui 15. Compilation date: July, 2022 中文课程简介 《地质学思政社会实践》是教学计划中重要的社会实践环节,“地质学思政社会实践”课 程,结合地学人才培养野外实践这一特点,开展“兴城 5+1 专业实习与社会实践”,面向地学 部 4 个学院、15 个地质学相关专业本科二年级学生,通过该课程的学习,了解中华民族修 筑长城、建造古城的智慧与坚韧,了解民族解放“军民同心”的光辉历史,传承地质先辈不畏 艰辛、永攀高峰的科学探索精神,学习黄大年时代楷模 “心有大我、至诚报国”的爱国情怀; 培养正确的历史观;奠定爱党爱国基调;传承爱岗敬业精神,培养独立思考的思辨力、团队 协作精神,立志献身科学探索;提高大学生的思想境界,增强历史文化自信 ,传承中华民 族精神,家国情怀,铸造敬业奉献品质。 英文课程简介 《Geological ideological and political social practice》is an important social practice in the teaching plan for the undergraduate students. This course, combining with geological field training and ideology and politics education social practice, carries out “5 + 1 professional practice and social practice” pattern. The course sets up for four colleges in the Faculty of Earth Sciences, 15 geology-related majors. Through the course of learning, the aims are, to understand the wisdom and tenacity of the Chinese nation who builds the Great Wall and the ancient city; to understand the glorious history of national liberation "the army and the people are of one mind"; to inherit the scientific exploration spirit of geological ancestors, who never fear hardship and never climb mountains; to learn from the time model (Prof. Huang Danian), who has the most sincere patriotic feelings. Moreover, to develop a correct view of history; to set the tone of loving the party and country; to inherit the spirit of love and dedication; to cultivate the critical ability of independent thinking, team spirit and dedication to the scientific exploration; to improve the ideological level of college students, to enhance the confidence in history and culture, to inherit the spirit of the Chinese nation, patriotism, and to forge the quality of dedication. (一)教学目的 通过本课程社会实践使学生了解中华民族修筑长城、建造古城的智慧与坚韧,了解民族 解放“军民同心”的光辉历史,传承地质先辈不畏艰辛、永攀高峰的科学探索精神,学习黄大 年时代楷模“心有大我、至诚报国”的爱国情怀。其次,培养正确的历史观,严谨的思辨力, 团队协作精神,分析问题解决问题的能力,为高年级专业学习奠定基础。最后,提升学生对 地学专业的认同感,增强历史文化自信,传承中华民族精神,培养爱党爱国情怀,铸造敬业 奉献品质
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