ommon name representatives Habitats Common diseases Mastigophora Flagellates 錐虫 cm贾第虫 African sleeping sickness 鞭毛纲 of animals L刹什虫 giardiasis Euglenoids Phototrophic 眼虫 Freshwater: 眼虫纲ah None known some marine meas amoeba Freshwater and marine 肉足纲 Entamoeba 内阿米巴 Amebic dysentery Bhn小袋虫 纤毛纲 Freshwater and marine Dysentery Pm草履虫 animal parasites, rumen orozoans Plasmodium原虫 孢子虫纲 ap号形虫 insects(vectors for parasitic toxoplasmosis鞭毛纲 肉足纲 纤毛纲 孢子虫纲 眼虫纲 錐虫 贾第虫 刹什虫 眼虫 内阿米巴 小袋虫 草履虫 疟原虫 弓形虫
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