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北京大学:《微生物学》(英文版) Eukarva: Eukaryotic Microorganisms

Eukarva: Eukaryotic Microorganisms Algae: Phototrophic eukaryotic microorganisms Fungi: Nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic microorganisms that contain rigid cell walls Slime molds: nonphototrophic eukaryotic microorganisms that lack cell walls and that aggregate to form fruiting structures (cellular slime molds) or masses of protoplasm (acellular slime

Eukarya. Eukaryotic Microorganisms Algae: Phototrophic eukaryotic microorganisms Fungi: Nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic microorganisms that contain rigid cell walls Slime molds: nonphototrophic eukaryotic microorganisms that lack cell walls and that aggregate to form fruiting structures(cellular slime molds) or masses of protoplasm (acellular slime molds Protozoa: unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms that lack cell walls

Eukarya: Eukaryotic Microorganisms Algae: Phototrophic eukaryotic microorganisms Fungi: Nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic microorganisms that contain rigid cell walls Slime molds: nonphototrophic eukaryotic microorganisms that lack cell walls and that aggregate to form fruiting structures (cellular slime molds) or masses of protoplasm (acellular slime molds) Protozoa: unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms that lack cell walls

Microsporidia Phylogenetic tree of Eukarya based on i8s ribosomaIrNa Flagellates sequence comparisons. monad Euglenoids Trypanosomes Slime molds Ciliates mals Dino flagellates Green algae Plants Red algae Fun Oomycetes Cells of microsporidia and Diatoms diplomonads are phylogenetically Brown algae most ancient of known Eukarya and contain a nucleus but lack mitochondria

Phylogenetic tree of Eukarya based on 18S ribosomal RNA sequence comparisons. Cells of microsporidia and diplomonads are phylogenetically most ancient of known Eukarya and contain a nucleus but lack mitochondria

Eukaryotic Microorganisms algae Fungi Slime molds Protozoa

Eukaryotic Microorganisms Algae Fungi Slime Molds Protozoa

Algae Most Algae are green in color ③ 每

Algae Most Algae are green in color

Color of algae Most algae are green in color. A few algae appear brown or red as other pigments including carotenoids are present that mask green

Color of Algae Most algae are green in color. A few algae appear brown or red as other pigments including carotenoids are present that mask green

Classification of algae lyll Chlorophyl Carbon Reserve Polymers Cell Wall structure ype of motility T y

Classification of Algae Chlorophyll Carbon Reserve Polymers Cell Wall Structure Type of Motility

Typical Carbor algal Common represen reserve group name Morphology Pig gments tative materials Cell wall habitats Chlorophyta Green algae Unicellular Chlorophy chla Starch Cellulose Freshwater 绿藻 to leafy a and b donnas (a-14-glucan) soils, a few sucrose manne Euglenophyta Euglenoid Unicellular, Chlorophylls euglena Paramylon No wall Freshwater 蜂窝藻眼藻 flagellated a and b (B-1, 2-glucan) present a few mx Chrysophyta Golden- Unicellular Chlorophy navicula Lipids Many have Freshwater 金藻 brown algae a.c. and e two over- marine. sol diatoms lapping components made of Phaeophyta Brown algae Filamentous Chlorophylls Laminaria Laminarin Cellulose Marine 暗藻 to leafy a and c (B-13 occasionally xanthophylls glu ucan massive and mannitol plantlike Pyrrophyta Dino- Unicellular Chlorophylls Gonyaulax Starch Cellulose 甲藻 flagellates flagellated a and c (a-1,glucan marine Rhodophyta Red al Unicellular, Chlorophylls Polysiphonia Floridean Cellulose Marine 红藻 filamentous a and d, phyco- starch(a-14- to leafy h and a-16- erythrina glucan), floridoside galactoside) This group is also considered with the protozoa(see Section 18.4)

绿藻 蜂窝藻 金藻 暗藻 甲藻 红藻 眼藻

Fungi: Molds, Yeasts and Mushrooms Habitats diverse: aquatic in fresh water or marine, terrestrial in soil or on dead plant, a few are human parasitic Have rigid cell walls(resemble plant cell walls architecturally, not chemically) containing chitin(some with mannans, galactosan, chitosans instead of chitin Fungal cell walls are 80-90% polysaccharide, with proteins, lipids, polyphosphates and Inorganic ions making up the wall-cementing matrix

Fungi: Molds, Yeasts and Mushrooms Habitats diverse: aquatic in fresh water or marine, terrestrial in soil or on dead plant, a few are human parasitic Have rigid cell walls (resemble plant cell walls architecturally, not chemically) containing chitin (some with mannans, galactosans, chitosans instead of chitin) Fungal cell walls are 80-90% polysaccharide, with proteins, lipids, polyphosphates and inorganic ions making up the wall-cementing matrix

Classification of Fungi Based on mor p hological properties sexual life cycles

Classification of Fungi Based on morphological properties sexual life cycles

Common fypical lype of Common name Hypha ae representatives sexual spore Habitats diseases Ascomycetes Sac fungi Neurospora A Soil, decaying Dutch elm, Saccha 子囊菌 plant material chestnut blight, Morchella ergot, rots Basidiomycetes Club fungi, Septate Basidiospore Soil, decaying Black stem. mushroom ( poisonous 担子菌 plant material wheat rust mushroom) corn smut Agaricus(edible mushroom) Bread molds Coenocytic Mucor, Rhizopus Soil, decaying Food spoilage 接合菌 多核的 (common bread plant material rarely involved In parasitic dise Oomycetes Water molds Coenocytic Dices Aquatic Potato blight, 卵菌 certain fish Fungi Septate Penicillium one Soil, decaying Plant wilt, Aspergillus plant material, infections 半知菌 Candida surfaces of animals such animal bodies as ringworm, athletes foot and other dermatomycoses surtace or sys- temic infections

子囊菌 担子菌 接合菌 卵菌 半知菌 多核的



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