12. Even if()agriculture undergoes(B)a drastic change to meet the needs(c) of the new situation, the country will starve(D) 13. Owing to(a)the present economic situation, the welfare department, as well as the othe social services, will have(b)their(c) budget cut. (D) 14. Hamburgers and hot eaten(A)all across(b)that country, are(c)sometimes calle typical(D)American good. 15. Everybody considered it(a)a pity to have missed( B) the performance. I wou to(D)see it. 16. Television is another(A)ma jor instrument(B)of communication, to permit()us to see as well as (d) to hear the performer 17. We regretsaying (A) that a recent rise of material cost of the said(B) product has necessitated a price ad justment on our part, which is(C)made against(D)our own will 18. Many more babies now survive infancy, grow up and become parents, and many more adults e living into(A)old age so that() population is being added (c)at both ends.(D) 9. The fact that so many high school graductes now continue their education suggests (A) hat there should be(b)a(c)high value on(D)college in American life. 20. Alfred Nobel worked alongside(A) his father, and by 1850, when he was 17, Alfred acquired(B)most of his fathers knowledge of(C)and enthusiasm for( D)chemistry Section c Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choice marked A, b, c and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the aNSWER SHEET (10 points) 21. The population of Pennsy lvania increased from 50 000 in 1730 to more than 200 000 in 1763, to the thousands of scotch irish D. at lar 22. We object to the idea that it is military force that should be in settling B. resorted to D. restrained from 23. He failed to completely achieve the aim by the teacher at the beginning of the term. A. brought forth12. Even if(A) agriculture undergoes(B) a drastic change to meet the needs(C) of the new situation, the country will starve(D). 13. Owing to(A) the present economic situation, the welfare department, as well as the other social services, will have(B) their(C) budget cut.(D) 14. Hamburgers and hot dogs, eaten(A) all across(B) that country, are(C) sometimes called typical(D) American good. 15. Everybody considered it(A) a pity to have missed(B) the performance. I would rather(C) go to(D) see it. 16. Television is another(A) major instrument(B) of communication, to permit(C) us to see as well as(D) to hear the performer. 17. We regretsaying(A) that a recent rise of material cost of the said(B) product has necessitated a price adjustment on our part, which is(C) made against(D) our own will. 18. Many more babies now survive infancy, grow up and become parents, and many more adults are living into(A) old age so that(B) population is being added(C) at both ends.(D) 19. The fact that so many high school graductes now continue their education suggests(A) that there should be(B) a(C) high value on(D) college in American life. 20. Alfred Nobel worked alongaside(A) his father, and by 1850, when he was 17, Alfred acquired(B) most of his father's knowledge of(C) and enthusiasm for(D) chemistry. Section C Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choice marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) 21. The population of Pennsylvania increased from 50 000 in 1730 to more than 200 000 in 1763, ue _____ to the thousands of Scotch Irish. A.in effect B.in consequence C.in large part D.at large 22. We object to the idea that it is military force that should be _____ in settling international disputes. A.applied to B.resorted to C.fallen back on D.restrained from 23. He failed to completely achieve the aim _____ by the teacher at the beginning of the term. A.brought forth
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