Research on Transgenic Corn 转基因玉米研究 ·改良玉米的质量 Improving maize quality traits 博士:美国农科 Dr Paul Scott, USDA-ARS and De partment of 学农学系教受 Agronomy 在玉米上生产动物疫苗 Animal vaccines in corne Plant sciences Institute Biopharmaceutical Initiative: 魏翔钙犯霍重¥额周 Dr Kan Wang, Director Plant Transformation Facility ·基因限界花粉散布的模拟 Gene Confinements 农学系教授马克维斯盖特博 Modeling Pollen Dispersal,DrMark Westgate, Department of Agronomy Economic cost of Uncontrolled pollen flowr 战禁糯奕动(漂移造 Dr Dermot Hayes, Pioneer Chair of Agribusines 商学院教授德莫特海斯博溥士 · BIGMA? Biosafety Institutefor Genetically Modified Agricultural Products,Dr Manjit Misra, Director Seed Science Center IOWA STATE UNⅣ ERSITY College of AgricultureResearch on Transgenic Corn 转基因玉米研究 • 改良玉米的质量 保尔 斯科特博士,美国农科 院和州立大学农学系教授 • 在玉米上生产动物疫苗 植物科学研究所生物药用研 究所植物转化主任王侃博士 • 基因限界,花粉散布的模拟 农学系教授马克. 维斯盖特博 士 • 非限制花粉流动(漂移〕造 成的经济损失 商学院教授德莫特 海斯博士 • 遗传修饰农业产品生物安全 研究所,种子科学中心主任满 基特密斯瑞博士 • Improving maize quality traits: Dr. Paul Scott, USDA-ARS and Department of Agronomy • Animal vaccines in corn: Plant Sciences Institute Biopharmaceutical Initiative: Dr. Kan Wang, Director Plant Transformation Facility • Gene Confinement: Modeling Pollen Dispersal, Dr. Mark Westgate, Department of Agronomy • Economic Cost of Uncontrolled Pollen Flow: Dr. Dermot Hayes, Pioneer Chair of Agribusiness • BIGMAP: Biosafety Institutefor Genetically Modified Agricultural Products, Dr. Manjit Misra, Director Seed Science Center
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