文化背景:每个人在意外发生的时候的处理方式。 第四章:Cultural Encounters (8学时) 知识点: 1.形容词的排序2.现在时的用法: 3. 词的前缀:4 文章的语言点 难句的含义,文章大意的理解,文章的篇章结构,以及相关话题的论述 重点:重点词汇:overlook,facilitate,hybrid,monolingual,.multilingual,face with.at one ril c up with,regardless of, lie in的用法学习。 难占 文章的篇章结构:难句的理解: 1.for many people learning English is ar ential stepping stone on the road to success 2,Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril 3,Faced with unsurmountable linguistic problems,translators negotiated the 1 anguage and cam up with When there are no words in another language for what you want to say,you nake ad justments and try to approximate. 5.Those best placed to help that process may not be the ones with the lates technology and state-of-the-art mobile phones,but those with the skills to understand what lies in,under and beyond the words spoken in many differen 外语学习过程中所经历到的文化冲突以及如何直面这样的状况 文化背景:外语学习过程中必须涉及相关文化内容的学习,如何看待文化的区域性以 及差异性。 第五章:Fourteen St ps(8学时) 知识点:】 去时 (动词过去式和动词过去分词的区别使用);2.记叙文的 写作技巧,在叙述中抒发感情3.文章的语言点,难句的含义,文章大意的理解,文章 的篇章结构,以及相关话题的论述。 重点:熟练掌握be inclined to,paralyze,afflict,hobble,.hold on to,.enormity,. bundle iack ,whatsoever的用法 难点:记叙文的写作技巧;难句的理解:L.I became afflicted with a slowly progressive disease of the motor nerves,affecting first my right arm and leg, and then my other side. 2.I felt that if the day arrived when I was unable to lift one foot up one step and then drag the other painfully after it -repeating the process 14 times until,utte rly spent I would be through -I could then admit defea and lie down and die. 3.Here hobbled a bitterly disillusioned cripple,a man who held on to his sanity and his wife and his home and his job because of 14 miserable steps leading up to the back door from his garage. I In the same instant I heard the dreaded bang of a blowout.I fought the ca o stop on the rain-slick shoulder of the road and sat there as the enormity of the situation swept over me. 5.I don't remember how long I sat there after they said good night and lef me,but it was long enough for me to search deep within myself and find some 文化背景:每个人在意外发生的时候的处理方式。 第四章: Cultural Encounters (8 学时) 知识点: 1. 形容词的排序;2. 现在时的用法; 3. 词的前缀; 4. 文章的语言点, 难句的含义,文章大意的理解,文章的篇章结构,以及相关话题的论述 重点:重点词汇:overlook, facilitate, hybrid, monolingual, multilingual, face with, at one’s peril, come up with, regardless of, lie in 的用法学习。 难点: 文章的篇章结构;难句的理解:1, for many people learning English is an essential stepping stone on the road to success. 2, Most fundamental is the profound relationship between language and culture that lies at the heart of society and one that we overlook at our peril. 3, Faced with unsurmountable linguistic problems, translators negotiated the boundaries between languages and came up with a compromise. 4, When there are no words in another language for what you want to say, you make adjustments and try to approximate. 5, Those best placed to help that process may not be the ones with the latest technology and state-of-the-art mobile phones, but those with the skills to understand what lies in, under and beyond the words spoken in many different languages. 技能培养: 外语学习过程中所经历到的文化冲突以及如何直面这样的状况 文化背景: 外语学习过程中必须涉及相关文化内容的学习,如何看待文化的区域性以 及差异性。 第五章:Fourteen Steps (8 学时) 知识点:1. 一般过去时态(动词过去式和动词过去分词的区别使用);2. 记叙文的 写作技巧,在叙述中抒发感情 3.文章的语言点,难句的含义,文章大意的理解,文章 的篇章结构,以及相关话题的论述。 重点:熟练掌握 be inclined to, paralyze, afflict, hobble, hold on to, enormity, bundle, jack up, whatsoever 的用法。 难点:记叙文的写作技巧;难句的理解:1. I became afflicted with a slowly progressive disease of the motor nerves, affecting first my right arm and leg, and then my other side. 2. I felt that if the day arrived when I was unable to lift one foot up one step and then drag the other painfully after it — repeating the process 14 times until, utterly spent, I would be through — I could then admit defeat and lie down and die. 3. Here hobbled a bitterly disillusioned cripple, a man who held on to his sanity and his wife and his home and his job because of 14 miserable steps leading up to the back door from his garage. 4. In the same instant I heard the dreaded bang of a blowout. I fought the car to stop on the rain-slick shoulder of the road and sat there as the enormity of the situation swept over me. 5. I don’t remember how long I sat there after they said good night and left me, but it was long enough for me to search deep within myself and find some
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