日isturbing traits 如何用英语寻求帮助以及获得帮助时如何表达感激 文化背景:社会生活中的求助文化:提供对残障人士力所能及的帮助 第六章:The Diary of the Unknown Soldiers(8学时) 知识点:1.倒装句及虚拟语气:2日记的格式和文体特点3.文章的语言点,难句的 含义 文章大意的理解,文章的篇章结构,以及相关话题的论述。 重点: 熟练掌握be dedicated to,hatred,.with an air of,.out of the blue,scoo up,drift,odds,shed,fall apart,be enraged at,ignorant,strew,engulf,be aglow with,assume的用法。 难点:日记的写作特点:难句的理解:l.My heart aches every moment because everywhere I look I see piles of rubble where houses used to stand and lifeles bodies that once moved around with the joy of life inside them If I return home I vow to keep these soldiers' memories alive by telling their families they died bravely in an effort to save their country from turmoil. 3.It is as if I have stared into death's eves and seen its hatred.its coldness 4.All I can say to describe the aftermath of the explosions is that it wa sea of blood. If it would have been some soldier's corpses that I had seen I might have aken it lighter. 6.All I ask is that I be alive when this ends. 7.Never have I been so enraged at my fellowman before.(Whom does "fellowman' efer to here?) 技能培」 能就战争的话题发表自己的观点 文化背景:两次世界大战及现代局部战争对人类社会的影响。 半期考(4学时)考试2学时,讲评2学时 第十四章:The Wedding Story(4学时) 知识点:1.戏剧的定义:2.戏剧的分类:3.戏剧的组成要素:4.戏剧语言的特征:5 剧本的语言点 难句的含义,剧本大意的理解 ,以及剧本的演绎 重点:1.熟练掌握aspire,.compatible,.encounter,impressionable,justify, suppress,put sb.to shame,.set in等词的用法:2.熟练掌握戏剧的语言特征和演 择技巧。 难点:剧本的生动演绎:难句的理解:l,pretty as a day in June;2.won the you s hand in marriage.3.Put that in your fairy tale and smoke it.4.hook ine,and sinker:5.who took it up the ass once from a fellow Eagle Scout .because it was a real ego boost to have snagged a hot stud eleven year rounger than she 肢能培养:能够生动地演绎英语剧。 文化背景:了解中西方婚俗习惯的异同。 第七章:Letter to a B Student(8学时)disturbing traits. 技能培养:如何用英语寻求帮助以及获得帮助时如何表达感激。 文化背景:社会生活中的求助文化;提供对残障人士力所能及的帮助。 第六章: The Diary of the Unknown Soldiers (8 学时) 知识点:1. 倒装句及虚拟语气;2. 日记的格式和文体特点 3.文章的语言点,难句的 含义,文章大意的理解,文章的篇章结构,以及相关话题的论述。 重点:熟练掌握 be dedicated to, hatred, with an air of, out of the blue, scoop up, drift, odds, shed, fall apart, be enraged at, ignorant, strew, engulf, be aglow with, assume 的用法。 难点:日记的写作特点;难句的理解:1.My heart aches every moment because everywhere I look I see piles of rubble where houses used to stand and lifeless bodies that once moved around with the joy of life inside them. 2. If I return home I vow to keep these soldiers’ memories alive by telling their families they died bravely in an effort to save their country from turmoil. 3. It is as if I have stared into death’s eyes and seen its hatred, its coldness. 4. All I can say to describe the aftermath of the explosions is that it was a sea of blood. 5. If it would have been some soldier’s corpses that I had seen I might have taken it lighter. 6. All I ask is that I be alive when this ends. 7. Never have I been so enraged at my fellowman before. (Whom does “fellowman” refer to here?) 技能培养:能就战争的话题发表自己的观点。 文化背景:两次世界大战及现代局部战争对人类社会的影响。 半期考 (4 学时)考试 2 学时,讲评 2 学时 第十四章: The Wedding Story(4 学时) 知识点:1.戏剧的定义;2.戏剧的分类;3.戏剧的组成要素;4.戏剧语言的特征;5. 剧本的语言点,难句的含义,剧本大意的理解,以及剧本的演绎。 重点:1. 熟练掌握 aspire, compatible, encounter, impressionable, justify, suppress, put sb. to shame, set in 等词的用法;2. 熟练掌握戏剧的语言特征和演 绎技巧。 难点:剧本的生动演绎;难句的理解:1.pretty as a day in June; 2. .won the young woman’s hand in marriage. 3. Put that in your fairy tale and smoke it. 4. hook, line, and sinker; 5. . who took it up the ass once from a fellow Eagle Scout. 6. . because it was a real ego boost to have snagged a hot stud eleven years younger than she . 技能培养:能够生动地演绎英语剧。 文化背景:了解中西方婚俗习惯的异同。 第七章:Letter to a B Student (8 学时)
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