Lifetime prevalence 12-month prevalence Frequency,n Unweighted Weighted%(95%Cl) Frequency,n Unweighted% Weighted%(95%Cl) (95%CI) (95%CI) (Continued from previous page) Schizophrenia and other psychotic disordersts Schizophrenia or any other 40 09%(04-1.5) 0-7%(03-12) 27 07%(0.2-13) 06%(0-2-11) psychotic disorder Schizophrenia 24 05%(01-10) 0-6%(01-10) 21 05%(0.1-09) 06%(01-10) Other psychotic disorders 16 0-4%(0008) 02%(00-0-3) 6 02%(00-05) 01%(0001) Schizophreniform disorder ≤01%(0001-001) 01%(0.0010:01) <01% ≤01% Schizoaffective disorder 0 <01% <0-1% 0 <0-1% <01% Delusional disorder 3 01%(00033) <01%(0001-0.02) 01%(0003) <01%(0.001001) Brief psychotic disorder 2 01%(0001-003) 01%(00-02) 0 <01 <01% Substance-induced psychotic 2 0-1%(00-03) <0-1%(0001-0-08) 1 <0-1%(0.001-0-01) <01%(0-001-005) disorder Psychotic disorder due to a 3 01%(0-0-03) ≤0-1%(0001-008) 0.1%(00-03) <0-1%(00010-08) general medical condition Psychotic disorder not otherwise ×01%(00-004) <0-1%(0.001003) 1 <01%(0,001-0-01) ≤01%(0.001-0002) specified DementiaSl Dementia 157 59%(44-73) 56%(35-7.6) Any disorderss Any disorders (excluding 4047 157%(134-18.1) 166%(130-202} 2401 97%(7.8-116) 93%(54-133) dementia) Prevalence 95%Cl could not be calculated when the frequency was equal to O.CIDl-Composite International Diagnostic Interview 3.0.SCID-structured clinical interview for DSM-IV Axis I disorders.'Prevalence was calculated with a population size of N=28 140(ie,the number of participants who finished the stage-one interviews).fCIDl is divided into part one(completed by all participants)and part two (completed by a subset of participants:as this disorder involves part two,unweighted prevalence is calculated using probability of selectively entering part two.t30-day prevalence is used because SCID can only be used to obtain 30-day prevalence estimates.SThese disorders involve stage two of the survey,so unweighted prevalence is calculated using probability of selectively entering stage two.Prevalence of dementia for the population aged 65 years and over(N=5326). Table 2:Unweighted and weighted lifetime and 12-month prevalence of mental disorders in China (N-32552)
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