and Its ts on 济言 经济宫简 境的重要区别,体现中央政府在经 济中的统筹规划,避免盲目竞争,关注民生与企业盈利与创新并重 Lecture outline Busi 1.Definition. Business is buying and selling of goods for profit. Business includes profit-making activities,such as production,distribution,and sale 2.Special terms. Profit is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid. is the primay goal of business activities. Fill in the blanks according to the definition. Profit=(R)-(C) D=(C)-(R) Profit=Revenues-Costs Deficit/Lost=Costs -Revenues 3.Relationship between seller and custo 4.Business is not only an economic activity but also a way of life Economics 1.Differentiate the following words Economical.conomic.conomiz 2.Meaning of"Economics" Original meaning:the management of a household,setting aside a part of one's income for various expenses necessary to sustain a household. 3.Problems in economics. Scarcity:limited/insufficient resources. Nearly all goods and services are scarce. Choice:What output will be produced? How will the goods be produced? For whom will the output be2 Session 1. General and Specific Environment and Its Constraints on Business 思政内容:指出社会主义市场经济营商环境和西方市场经济营商环境的重要区别,体现中央政府在经 济中的统筹规划,避免盲目竞争,关注民生与企业盈利与创新并重。 Lecture Outline Business 1.Definition. Business is buying and selling of goods for profit. Business includes profit-making activities, such as production, distribution, and sale. 2. Special terms. Profit is the money that remains after all the expenses are paid. To make a profit is the primary goal of all business activities. Fill in the blanks according to the definition. Profit=(R__ ) -(C__ ) D___=(C __ ) -(R__) Profit=Revenues -Costs Deficit/Lost=Costs -Revenues 3. Relationship between seller and customer 4. Business is not only an economic activity but also a way of life. Economics 1. Differentiate the following words. Economical, economic, economize 2. Meaning of “Economics”. Original meaning: the management of a household, setting aside a part of one’s income for various expenses necessary to sustain a household. 3. Problems in economics. Scarcity: limited/insufficient resources. Nearly all goods and services are scarce. Choice: What output will be produced? How will the goods be produced? For whom will the output be
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