住院病人自主饮食的循证营养护理 日万方蓝强文: 单位 刊名, 2012.09② 文献14练) malnutrition in elderly hospitalised patients 2008(02) Bave:teD:van Bodegraven MA of (in-hospital malnutrition:the perfornance of medical and nursing staff[外文期f刊]2008(O3) 3.Kowanko I The role of the murse in ood service:a literature revie(02) 4.Dickinson:ch in hospital:roin the people through action research[外文期刊2008() 5.Ferguson:Be:ank of a valid and hospital patients[外文期f刊]1999(06) 6.Wilson R Nutritional care for older people in hospitals 2007(12) 2006(08) 8.XiaC:c0 in hospital ho does hat[外文期2006(00) 9.Mathey M:Vanneste V:de Graaf C Health effects of improved eal biance in a Dutch nursing boe:a l-year intervention study[外文期f刊2001(05) 11.AgnewT The right ingredients 2005(06) 13.Hamilton K:Spalding D:Steele C An audit of nutritional care delivered to elderly inpatients in community hospitals[外文期刊]2002(01) 14.Copeman ]Promoting rition in older people in nursing and residential) 本文链接:htp:/L vanfangdata.coa.cn/Periodicaltsy20120205.4s 住院病人自主饮食的循证营养护理 作者: 苏钰, SU Yu 作者单位: 南京军区南京总医院普通外科研究所七病区,210002 刊名: 护理实践与研究 英文刊名: UNRSING PRACTICE AND RESEARCH 年,卷(期): 2012,09(2) 参考文献(14条) 1.Adams NE;Bowie AJ;Simmance N Recognition by medical and nursing professionals of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in elderly hospitalised patients 2008(02) 2.Bavelaar JW;Otter CD;van Bodegraven AA Diagnosis andtreatment of (disease-related) in-hospital malnutrition:the performance of medical and nursing staff[外文期刊] 2008(03) 3.Kowanko I The role of the nurse in ood service:a literature review 1997(02) 4.Dickinson A;Welch C;Ager L No longer hungry in hospital:improving the hospital mealtime experience for older people through action research[外文期刊] 2008(11) 5.Ferguson M;Bauer J;Banks M Development of a valid and reliable malnutrition screening tool for adult acute hospital patients[外文期刊] 1999(06) 6.Wilson R Nutritional care for older people in hospitals 2007(12) 7.Simmons SF;Schnelle JF A continuous quality improvement pilot study:impact on nutritional care quality 2006(08) 8.Xia C;McCutcheon H Mealtimes in hospital who does what[外文期刊] 2006(10) 9.Mathey M;Vanneste V;de Graaf C Health effects of improved meal ambiance in a Dutch nursing home:a 1-year intervention study[外文期刊] 2001(05) 10.Horan D;Coad J Can nurses improve patient feeding 2000(50) 11.Agnew T The right ingredients 2005(06) 12.Clay M Nutritious,enjoyable food in nursing homes 2001(19) 13.Hamilton K;Spalding D;Steele C An audit of nutritional care delivered to elderly inpatients in community hospitals[外文期刊] 2002(01) 14.Copeman J Promoting nutrition in older people in nursing and residential homes 2000(06) 本文链接:http://d.g.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_tlsjyyj201202057.aspx
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