Obstetrics perhaps?Or family medicine? CHRISTINA:Oh,I'm in the surgical program MRS.BURKE:Butafter you're married CHRISTINA:Married?I'm sorry.married? MRS BURKE CO tina.You mus You'r spring chicken. I don't know a o。 an who arry my ce.He's brillia handso He s the best thing I've CHRISTINA:Oh.okay.Oh Burke,Burke!Preston.-Preston Burke is here. BURKE:What a surprise.My two favorite ladies in the same place. MRS.BURKE:Preston,what on earth are you doing out of bed? BURKE:Oh.well lI wanted to.get some.stretch my legs mama. MRS.BURKE But you're not supposed to stretch your legs.You're supposed to be resting. BURKE:Right.But l wa nted to have s and some coffee.Anybody wantany coffee? .some air.Some stretching.some air. CHRISTINA:We Already have coffee.Please have a seat. BURKE:Right.Just a second.coffee. MRS.BURKE:You did this. CHRISTINA:What? MRSCrisinyou.think that youre ery smart,very att ve young woman.Butyou re se CHRISTINA:I beg your pardon? 5时 BURKE:Hey heyyy,hi.Alright.I brought you a scone mama. BAILEY:His kidney's gone.No way to save it CHIEF:Just focus on keeping the renal artery under control BAILEY:I have another bleeder We haveng ay to go.We have eough ALEX:Yes sir.Obstetrics perhaps? Or family medicine? CHRISTINA: Oh, I'm in the surgical program. MRS. BURKE: But after you're married? CHRISTINA: Married? I'm sorry. married? MRS. BURKE: Come, Christina. You must have considered the possibility. You're no spring chicken. I don't know a young woman who wouldn't want to marry my Preston, given half the chance. He's brilliant, he's handsome. He's the best thing I've done in my life. He's the most important thing in the world to me. CHRISTINA: Oh.okay. Oh Burke, Burke! Preston. Preston Burke is here. BURKE: What a surprise. My two favorite ladies in the same place. MRS. BURKE: Preston, what on earth are you doing out of bed? BURKE: Oh. well I. I wanted to. get some. stretch my legs mama. MRS. BURKE: But you're not supposed to stretch your legs. You're supposed to be resting. BURKE: Right. But I wanted to have some. some air. Some stretching, some air. and some coffee. Anybody want any coffee? CHRISTINA: We Already have coffee. Please have a seat. BURKE: Right. Just a second. coffee. MRS. BURKE: You did this. CHRISTINA: What? MRS. BURKE: Christina, listen to me. It's not that I don't like you. I think that you're a very smart, very attractive young woman. But you're selfish. CHRISTINA: I beg your pardon? MRS. BURKE: Oh, you pulled him out of his sick bed because you were uncomfortable. That's selfish. You're selfish, and my son is giving. And the combination.well.it's not going to last. Not much longer. BURKE: Hey heyyy, hi. Alright. I brought you a scone mama. - BAILEY: His kidney's gone. No way to save it. CHIEF: Just focus on keeping the renal artery under control BAILEY: I have another bleeder. CHIEF: Ok pace yourself everybody. We have a long way to go. We have enough blood standing by? ALEX: Yes sir
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