BAILEY:Really.you want to push me on this?Today?Today you want to push me? (They meet an incoming ambulance outside.) BAILEY:What have we gotJill? mo9e24Me98a9en96o3S internal inuries. was clvis is apparen e air.Landed on a pile of gue BAILEY:You would guess? ayoung man wh hastree sticking all the way though BAILEY:Alright Marley,you're at the hospital.We're going to take care of you now. MARLEY:Hospital?What's the matter with me? MR.MARLEY:You're an idiot that's what's the matter. MARLEY:Dad? BAILEY:Please backaway,sir. and you do the e od v you. NURSE:You're blocking our path,please! (Alex ther ALEX:Are you okay? MR.MARLEY:You son ofa bitch.Where's my son? BAILEY:We took him in there. ALEX:He was blocking the paramedics BAILEY:No.he is terrified.His child is a tree!Alex,listen to me.You will not get myynd yow yourenlngmanree clear? ALEX:She's not my girlfriend. MRS.BURKE:As you know I'm sure,he graduated first in his class from Tulane. CHRISTINA:1.I did know that.Actually.Igraduated first in my class at Stanford. MRS.BURKE:Ah.So you are planning to pursue a less time consuming specialty? BAILEY: Really, you want to push me on this? Today? Today you want to push me? (They meet an incoming ambulance outside.) BAILEY: What have we got Jill? Jill: Marley Hernandez, 14. Was street lugeing when he lost control and hit a car. Witnesses say he was catapulted at least 20 feet into the air. Landed on a pile of tree trimmings. Broken pelvis is apparent, as are I would guess some pretty massive internal injuries. BAILEY: You would guess? (The paramedics wheel out a young man who has a tree sticking all the way through the left side of his body.) - BAILEY: Alright Marley, you're at the hospital. We're going to take care of you now. MARLEY: Hospital? What's the matter with me? MR. MARLEY: You're an idiot that's what's the matter. MARLEY: Dad? BAILEY: Please back away, sir. MR. MARLEY: Your friends are idiots and you don't use the sense God gave you. That's what's the matter with you! NURSE: You're blocking our path, please! (Alex then shoves Marley's dad to the side, forcing him to slam into the outside wall of the hospital.) ALEX: Are you okay? MR. MARLEY: You son of a bitch. Where's my son? BAILEY: We took him in there. ALEX: He was blocking the paramedics! BAILEY: No, he is terrified. His child is a tree! Alex, listen to me. You will not get physical with another human being on my watch ever again. You will not question my authority. And you will not defend your little girlfriend for killing a man. Are we clear? ALEX: She's not my girlfriend. - MRS. BURKE: As you know I'm sure, he graduated first in his class from Tulane. CHRISTINA: I. I did know that. Actually, I graduated first in my class at Stanford. MRS. BURKE: Ah. So you are planning to pursue a less time consuming specialty?
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