生产调度问题的一个近似解 Algorithm (GMS (GREEDY MAKESPAN SCHEDULE)). Input:I=(p1,...,Pn,m),n,m,p1,...,Pn positive integers and m2. Step 1:Sort p1,...,Pn. To simplify the notation we assume p1≥p2≥.≥pn in the rest of the algorithm. Step 2:for i=1 to m do begin Ta={); Time(T:):=Pi end [In the initialization step the m largest jobs are distributed to the m machines.At the end,Ti should contain the indices of all jobs assigned to the ith machine for i=1,...,m.} Step 3:for i=m+1 to n do begin compute an I such that Time(T):=min{Time(Til1≤j≤m T:=nUi): Time(T):=Time(Ti)+pi end Output:(T1,T2,...,Tm).生产调度问题的一个近似解