·622· 北京科技大学学报 第33卷 (b) 15 10 5.50055785.6565.7345.8125.890 55w 5.89s■ 寿命s 图6黑硅μ-CD图(a)及少数载流子寿命分布图(b) a及少 Fg.diagram(a)and life plot of minority came(black silicon 图6 -PCD 参考文献 Gamett E,Yang P.Light trapping in silicon nanowire solar cells. Nano Lett,2010,10:1082 [Dobrzanski LA,Drygala A.Laser texturization in technology of 7]Lee C,Koker L,Kolasinski K W.A novel optical technique for multicrystalline silicon solar cells.J Achier Mater Manuf Eng, the estimation of porosity in porous silicon thin films.Appl Phys A, 2008,29(1):7 2000,71:77 [2]Liang Z C,Chen D M,Liang X Q,et al.Crystalline Si solar cells [8] Liu G Y,Tan X W,Yao J C,et al."Black silicon"antireflection based on solar grade silicon materials.Renen Energy,2010,35: thin film prepared by electrochemical etching.Acta Phys Sin, 2297 2008,57(1):514 B] Vitanov P,Goranova E.Stavrov V,et al.Fabrication of buried (刘光友,谭兴文,姚金才,等.电化学制备薄黑硅抗反射膜 contact silicon solar cells using porous silicon.Sol Energy Mater 物理学报,2008,57(1):514) Sol Cells,2009,93(3):297 [9] Sheehy M A,Tull B R,Friend C M,et al.Chalcogen doping of 4]Green M A,Zhao J,Wang A,et al.Progress and outlook for silicon via intense femtosecond-aser irradiation.Mater Sci Eng B, high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells.Sol Energy Mater Sol 2007,137(13):289 Cel,2001,65(14):9 [10]Yuan H C,Yost V E,Page M R,et al.Efficient black silicon [5]Strumpel C,MeCann M.Modifying the solar spectrum to enhance solar cell with a density-graded nanoporous surface:optical proper- silicon solar cell efficiency:an overview of available materials.Sol ties,performance limitations,and design rules.Appl Phys Lett, Energy Mater Sol Cells,2007,91(4):238 2009,95:article No.123501北 京 科 技 大 学 学 报 第 33 卷 图 6 黑硅 μ--PCD 图( a) 及少数载流子寿命分布图( b) Fig. 6 μ-PCD diagram ( a) and life plot of minority carriers ( b) of black silicon 参 考 文 献 [1] Dobrzański L A,Drygaa A. Laser texturization in technology of multicrystalline silicon solar cells. J Achiev Mater Manuf Eng, 2008,29( 1) : 7 [2] Liang Z C,Chen D M,Liang X Q,et al. Crystalline Si solar cells based on solar grade silicon materials. Renew Energy,2010,35: 2297 [3] Vitanov P,Goranova E,Stavrov V,et al. Fabrication of buried contact silicon solar cells using porous silicon. Sol Energy Mater Sol Cells,2009,93( 3) : 297 [4] Green M A,Zhao J,Wang A,et al. Progress and outlook for high-efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells. Sol Energy Mater Sol Cells,2001,65( 1-4) : 9 [5] Strumpel C,McCann M. Modifying the solar spectrum to enhance silicon solar cell efficiency: an overview of available materials. Sol Energy Mater Sol Cells,2007,91( 4) : 238 [6] Garnett E,Yang P. Light trapping in silicon nanowire solar cells. Nano Lett,2010,10: 1082 [7] Lee C,Koker L,Kolasinski K W. A novel optical technique for the estimation of porosity in porous silicon thin films. Appl Phys A, 2000,71: 77 [8] Liu G Y,Tan X W,Yao J C,et al. “Black silicon”antireflection thin film prepared by electrochemical etching. Acta Phys Sin, 2008,57( 1) : 514 ( 刘光友,谭兴文,姚金才,等. 电化学制备薄黑硅抗反射膜. 物理学报,2008,57( 1) : 514) [9] Sheehy M A,Tull B R,Friend C M,et al. Chalcogen doping of silicon via intense femtosecond-laser irradiation. Mater Sci Eng B, 2007,137( 1-3) : 289 [10] Yuan H C,Yost V E,Page M R,et al. Efficient black silicon solar cell with a density-graded nanoporous surface: optical proper￾ties,performance limitations,and design rules. Appl Phys Lett, 2009,95: article No. 123501 ·622·
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