(5)Draw a bacterial growth curve of substrate disappearance as a function of time.Label and define each stage of growth (6)Write the Monod equation and define each of the constants.There are two special cases when the Monod equation can be simplified.Describe these cases and the simplified Monod equation that results. 从= K+S uis the specific growth rate(1/time). umax is the maximum specific growth rate (1/time)for the culture, S is the substrate concentration(mass/volume), Ks is the half-saturation constant (mass/volume) For S>>Ks dX/dt=umaX For S<<Ks dX/dt=umaxSX/Ks 66 (5) Draw a bacterial growth curve of substrate disappearance as a function of time. Label and define each stage of growth. (6) Write the Monod equation and define each of the constants. There are two special cases when the Monod equation can be simplified. Describe these cases and the simplified Monod equation that results. μis the specific growth rate (1/time), μmax is the maximum specific growth rate (1/time) for the culture, S is the substrate concentration (mass/volume), Ks is the half-saturation constant (mass/volume). For S>>Ks dX/dt=umaxX For S<<Ks dX/dt=umaxSX/Ks
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