运行一下代码启动Setup Assistant tool roslaunch moveit setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch Moveit Setup Assistant Movelt Setup Assistant Self.Colbsions the Movelt s Asistanti ThesDmmth file and OMPL plar configurat tion involves creating launch fies for move groupsOM Virtual Joints er,planning contexts and the planning warehouse Pianning Groups >Movelt! Robot Poses End Elfectors Choose mode: All settings for Movelt are stored in a Moveit configuration package.Here you have the option to create a new Contiguration Fles configuration package,or load an existing one.Note:any changes to a Movelt configuration package outside this setup assistant will likely be overwritten by this tool. ::ROS ●● Assistant Load a URDF or COLLADA Robot Model Soecify the location of ao existina unlversal Robot Description Format or COLLADA File for vour robot.The robot model will be loaded to the parameter server for you Browse Load Files 点击Create New Movelt:Configuration Package。 这时将会出现一个新的窗口询问机器人URDF模型的地址,我们可以设置到 mastering_ros_robot_description_pkg/urdf/seven_dof_arm.xacro.。这里我们用的是 xacro,实际上软件会自动将其转换为URDF文件。 如果模型载入成功将出现一下画面。 -4.- 4 - 运行一下代码启动Setup Assistant tool $ roslaunch moveit_setup_assistant setup_assistant.launch 点击Create New MoveIt! Configuration Package。 这时将会出现一个新的窗口询问机器人URDF模型的地址,我们可以设置到 mastering_ros_robot_description_pkg/urdf/ seven_dof_arm.xacro。这里我们用的是 xacro,实际上软件会自动将其转换为URDF文件。 如果模型载入成功将出现一下画面
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