前小房开口(筛窦) Opening of cellulae anteriores Sinus frontalis 探针通蝶室口 Specillum in apertura sinus sphe 探针通额窦 房开口(筛窦) Specillum in sinus frontal ening of cellulae mediae 后小房开口 Opening of c图 posteriores 钩突 筛泡 Bulla ethmoidalis 探针通鼻泪管 Specillum in canali nasolacrimal 垂直板(聘骨) Lamina perp endiculanis (Os palatinum y 水。平板(腭骨) Lamina horizontalis t Os palatinum y 切除部分鼻甲,示鼻旁窦及鼻泪管开口 Parts of the conchae have been removed to show the orifices of paranasal sinuses and nasolacrimal canal