(George stopslaughing.) Cristina:'msorry,Iget mean when I'm tired. George:You know what?I don't care.I comforted a family,and I get to hang out in the OR today. All is well. Cristina:Does anybody know why we're here?(lots of interns,packed into one room.Derek enters.) Derek:Well good morning.I'm going to do something pretty rare for a surgeon,I'm going to ask tery.She doesn't respond to help.I've eot this kid,Katie Bryce.kignt now,she's a mysd ma meds.Labs re cle ns are pure,but she's having seizures. with ne visible cause.She's a ticking clock.She's going to die,if I don't make a diagnosis.Which is where youcome in.I can't do it alone.I need your extra minds,extra eyes,I need you to play detective,I need you to find out why Katie is having seizures.I know you're tired,you're busy,you've got more work than you could possibly handle.I understand.So,I'm going to give you an incentive Whoever finds the ides with me.Katie ne You ge 。dh2 t no inte odo.Scrub procedure.Dr Baileys going to hand you Katie's char The clock is ticking fast,people.If we're going to save Katie's life,we have to do it soon. (All interns grab copies of her chart.Cut to Meredith and Alex.) Alex:Look,give the antibiotics time to work Nurse:The antibiotics should've worked by now. Alex:She's old.she's freaking ancient.She's lucky she's still breathine.Now I got a shot to scrub in downstairs and a patient who wasn'talive during the civil war Don'tpage me again.(walks off Cristina comes over) Cristina:Hey,I want in on Shepherd's surgery.You've been the intern on Katie since the start.You want to work together?We find the answer.we have a fifty-fifty chance of scrubbing in. Meredith:work with you,but Idon't want in on the surgery.You can have it Cristina:Are you kidding me?It's the biggest opportunity any intern will ever get. Meredith:Idon't want to spend any more time with Shepherd than Ihave to. Cristina:What do you have against Shepherd? Meredith:If we find the answer,the surgery's yours.Do you want to work together or not? (George stops laughing.) Cristina: I'm sorry, I get mean when I'm tired. George: You know what? I don't care. I comforted a family, and I get to hang out in the OR today. All is well. Cristina: Does anybody know why we're here? (lots of interns, packed into one room. Derek enters.) Derek: Well good morning. I'm going to do something pretty rare for a surgeon, I'm going to ask interns for help. I've got this kid, Katie Bryce. Right now, she's a mystery. She doesn't respond to her meds. Labs are clean, scans are pure, but she's having seizures. Grand mal seizures with no visible cause. She's a ticking clock. She's going to die, if I don't make a diagnosis. Which is where you come in. I can't do it alone. I need your extra minds, extra eyes, I need you to play detective, I need you to find out why Katie is having seizures. I know you're tired, you're busy, you've got more work than you could possibly handle. I understand. So, I'm going to give you an incentive. Whoever finds the answer rides with me. Katie needs surgery. You get to do what no interns get to do. Scrub in to assist on an advanced procedure. Dr Bailey's going to hand you Katie's chart. The clock is ticking fast, people. If we're going to save Katie's life, we have to do it soon. (All interns grab copies of her chart. Cut to Meredith and Alex.) Alex: Look, give the antibiotics time to work. Nurse: The antibiotics should've worked by now. Alex: She's old, she's freaking ancient. She's lucky she's still breathing. Now, I got a shot to scrub in downstairs and a patient who wasn't alive during the civil war. Don't page me again. (walks off, Cristina comes over) Cristina: Hey, I want in on Shepherd's surgery. You've been the intern on Katie since the start. You want to work together? We find the answer, we have a fifty-fifty chance of scrubbing in. Meredith: I'll work with you, but I don't want in on the surgery. You can have it. Cristina: Are you kidding me? It's the biggest opportunity any intern will ever get. Meredith: I don't want to spend any more time with Shepherd than I have to. Cristina: What do you have against Shepherd? Meredith: If we find the answer, the surgery's yours. Do you want to work together or not?
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