Derek:Idon't havean answer for you.For now,Katie is stable Father:Wait one damn minute.We came here because this hospital is supposed to be the best in Washington.That's my kid in there.My kid.And you have the audacity to stand here and tell mel don't know? Derek:Mr.Bryce, Father:No,I want someone else.A doctor who knows what they're doing.You get me someone else.Someone better than you. Derek:Mr Bryce,thatIam working hardon Katie'scase Father:No,you're not.If you were,you'd be able to give me some answers. (Cut to Burke,talking to the guy who can't eat any more bacon.) Burke:bypass machine,which pumpsblood for your heart,fix your ticker,take you off thein,Idonemec. Woman:So,Ishouldn't worry? Burke:I'm very good at whatIdo.It'sstill a surgery.There are some risks.see you in the OR Mr Savage:You're not going to leave me in there alone with that guy,are you? George:Oh,I'lbe outside the OR the whole time.Dr Burke is very good.Don't worry.'see you after. Mrs.Savage:He'll be fine,right? George:It's one he's going tosail through.You have nothing to worry about.I promise.Gottago (Cutto Cristinaand Meredith.) Meredith:What are you doing? Cristina:I'm suturing a banana,with the vain hope that it wakes up my brain (George laughs.) Cristina:What're you smiling at,007?Derek: I don't have an answer for you. For now, Katie is stable - Father: Wait one damn minute. We came here because this hospital is supposed to be the best in Washington. That's my kid in there. My kid. And you have the audacity to stand here and tell me I don't know? Derek: Mr. Bryce, - Father: No, I want someone else. A doctor who knows what they're doing. You get me someone else. Someone better than you. Derek: Mr Bryce, I assure you that I am working hard on Katie's case. Father: No, you're not. If you were, you'd be able to give me some answers. (Cut to Burke, talking to the guy who can't eat any more bacon.) Burke: I put you on a bypass machine, which pumps blood for your heart, fix your ticker, take you off the machine, I'm done. Simple procedure. Woman: So, I shouldn't worry? Burke: I'm very good at what I do. It's still a surgery. There are some risks. I'll see you in the OR this afternoon, Mr. Savage. Mr Savage: You're not going to leave me in there alone with that guy, are you? George: Oh, I'll be outside the OR the whole time. Dr Burke is very good. Don't worry. I'll see you after. Mrs. Savage: He'll be fine, right? George: It's one he's going to sail through. You have nothing to worry about. I promise. Gotta go. (Cut to Cristina and Meredith.) Meredith: What are you doing? Cristina: I'm suturing a banana, with the vain hope that it wakes up my brain. (George laughs.) Cristina: What're you smiling at, 007?
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