Unit 4 Book 1 Care of the Elderly Difficult Sentences 1. When my grandfather died, my 83-year-old grandmother, once so full of life, slowly began to fade Why did grandmother begin to fade after grandfather's death? What's the implied meaning of the sentence? Her husband, her lifetime companion, had been a very important person in her life. When her love was gone, gone also was her vitality in life 2. Although she still had her good days, it was often hard to arouse her interest. Paraphrase this sentence. Though she was better on some days than others, she was usually no longer interested in the things around her 3. GG's voice dropped low, taking on an almost reverent tone Why did GG's voice drop low? What can we infer from the sentence? The doll she once had was an important part in her life and it was a symbol of many things: respect, admiration, and love, etc. That' s why when GG talked about it, her tone was full of respect 4. GGs eyes filled and her voice shook with emotion as she recalled that Christmas of long ago. Paraphrase this sentence When GG thought back that Christmas in her childhood, her eyes were filled with tears and she was about to cry. 5. A few years later, GGs baby sister was also gone, she told Meagan, a victim of pneumonia Explain the structure of this sentence (In this sentence, she told Meagan"is used as parenthesis and"a victim of pneumonia "is the subject complement 6. Subdued for the rest of the visit, Meagan was no sooner in the car going home than she exclaimed How to use the structure“ no sooner∴than..”? This structure means the second thing happens immediately after the first thing. When "no sooner"appears at the beginning of a sentence, the word order of the sentence is inverted No sooner was Meagan in the car going home than she exclaimed, .. Translate this sentence into chinese (=米根郁郁寡欢地度过了剩下的几天,我们该回家了。一上车她就叫道:…)1 Unit 4 Book 1 Care of the Elderly Difficult Sentences 1. When my grandfather died, my 83-year-old grandmother, once so full of life, slowly began to fade. Why did Grandmother begin to fade after Grandfather’s death? What’s the implied meaning of the sentence? (= Her husband, her lifetime companion, had been a very important person in her life. When her love was gone, gone also was her vitality in life.) 2. Although she still had her good days, it was often hard to arouse her interest. Paraphrase this sentence. (= Though she was better on some days than others, she was usually no longer interested in the things around her.) 3. GG’s voice dropped low, taking on an almost reverent tone. Why did GG’s voice drop low? What can we infer from the sentence? (= The doll she once had was an important part in her life and it was a symbol of many things: respect, admiration, and love, etc. That’s why when GG talked about it, her tone was full of respect.) 4. GG’s eyes filled and her voice shook with emotion as she recalled that Christmas of long ago. Paraphrase this sentence. (= When GG thought back that Christmas in her childhood, her eyes were filled with tears and she was about to cry.) 5. A few years later, GG’s baby sister was also gone, she told Meagan, a victim of pneumonia. Explain the structure of this sentence. (= In this sentence, “she told Meagan” is used as parenthesis and “a victim of pneumonia” is the subject complement.) 6. Subdued for the rest of the visit, Meagan was no sooner in the car going home than she exclaimed, … How to use the structure “no sooner … than …”? (= This structure means the second thing happens immediately after the first thing. When “no sooner” appears at the beginning of a sentence, the word order of the sentence is inverted: No sooner was Meagan in the car going home than she exclaimed, … ) Translate this sentence into Chinese. (= 米根郁郁寡欢地度过了剩下的几天,我们该回家了。一上车她就叫道:……)
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