四 Other breastfeeding support NEWBORN CARE 超 Give special support to the mother who is not yet breastfeeding If the baby does not have a mother 2 Examine the newbom Advise the mother who is not breastfeeding at all on how to relieve engorgement If preterm,birth weight <2500 g or twin a Ensure warmth for the baby Assess breastfeeding @ Keep the baby warm Check for special treatment needs Keep a small baby warm J6 Look for signs of jaundice and local infection @ Rewarm the baby skin-to-skin 7 If danger signs Other baby care 8 If swelling,bruises or malformation Cord care Assess the mother's breasts if complaining of nipple or breast pain Sleeping 10 Care of the newborn 0Hygiene 11 Additional care of a small baby (or twin) Newborn resuscitation 2 Assess replacement feeding 型 Keep the baby warm Open the airway 1 If still not breathing,ventilate BREASTFEEDING,CARE,PREVENTIVE MEASURES AND TREATMENT FOR THE NEWBORN If breathing less than 30 breaths per minute or severe chest in-drawing.stop ventilating If not breathing or gasping at all after 20 minutes of ventilation Counsel on breastfeeding Treat and immunize the baby 应 Counsel on importance of exclusive breastfeeding Treat the baby 12 Give 2 IM antibiotics (first week of life) Help the mother to initiate breastfeeding 3 Support exclusive breastfeeding K12 Give IM benzathine penicillin to baby (single dose)if mother tested RPR-positive 3 Teach comect positioning and attachment for breastfeeding Give IM antibiotic for possible gonococcal eye infection(single dose) Give special support to breastfeed the small baby (preterm and/or low birth weight) Teach the mother to give treatment to the baby at home M K13 Give special support to breastfeed twins Treat local infection GAlternative feeding methods 13 Give isoniazid (INH)prophylaxis to newbom 13 Express breast milk Immunize the newborn Hand express breast milk directly into the baby's mouth Give antiretroviral (ARV)medicine to newborn Cup feeding expressed breast milk Advise when to retum with the baby 船 14 Quantity to feed by cup Routine visits Signs that baby is receiving adequate amount of milk Follow-up visits Weigh and assess weight gain 14 Advise the mother to seek care for the baby Weigh baby in the first month of life 14 Refer baby urgently to hospital Assess weight gain 告 Scale maintenance Table of contentsTable of contents TABLE OF CONTENTS J NEWBORN CARE J2 Examine the newborn J3 If preterm, birth weight <2500 g or twin J4 Assess breastfeeding J5 Check for special treatment needs J6 Look for signs of jaundice and local infection J7 If danger signs J8 If swelling, bruises or malformation J9 Assess the mother’s breasts if complaining of nipple or breast pain J10 Care of the newborn J11 Additional care of a small baby (or twin) J12 Assess replacement feeding K BREASTFEEDING, CARE, PREVENTIVE MEASURES AND TREATMENT FOR THE NEWBORN K2 Counsel on breastfeeding K2 Counsel on importance of exclusive breastfeeding K2 Help the mother to initiate breastfeeding K3 Support exclusive breastfeeding K3 Teach correct positioning and attachment for breastfeeding K4 Give special support to breastfeed the small baby (preterm and/or low birth weight) K4 Give special support to breastfeed twins K5 Alternative feeding methods K5 Express breast milk K5 Hand express breast milk directly into the baby’s mouth K6 Cup feeding expressed breast milk K6 Quantity to feed by cup K6 Signs that baby is receiving adequate amount of milk K7 Weigh and assess weight gain K7 Weigh baby in the first month of life K7 Assess weight gain K7 Scale maintenance K8 Other breastfeeding support K8 Give special support to the mother who is not yet breastfeeding K8 If the baby does not have a mother K8 Advise the mother who is not breastfeeding at all on how to relieve engorgement K9 Ensure warmth for the baby K9 Keep the baby warm K9 Keep a small baby warm K9 Rewarm the baby skin-to-skin K10 Other baby care K10 Cord care K10 Sleeping K10 Hygiene K11 Newborn resuscitation K11 Keep the baby warm K11 Open the airway K11 If still not breathing, ventilate K11 If breathing less than 30 breaths per minute or severe chest in-drawing, stop ventilating K11 If not breathing or gasping at all after 20 minutes of ventilation K12 Treat and immunize the baby K12 Treat the baby K12 Give 2 IM antibiotics (first week of life) K12 Give IM benzathine penicillin to baby (single dose) if mother tested RPR-positive K12 Give IM antibiotic for possible gonococcal eye infection (single dose) K13 Teach the mother to give treatment to the baby at home K13 Treat local infection K13 Give isoniazid (INH) prophylaxis to newborn K13 Immunize the newborn K13 Give antiretroviral (ARV) medicine to newborn K14 Advise when to return with the baby K14 Routine visits K14 Follow-up visits K14 Advise the mother to seek care for the baby K14 Refer baby urgently to hospital