SEARLES DICHOTOMY o Searle's views regarding intentionality are complex; of relevance here is that he makes a distinction between the original or intrinsic intentionality of genuine mental states, and the derived intentionality of language. a written or spoken sentence only has derivative intentionality insofar as it is interpreted by someone. It appears that on Searle's view, original intentionality can at least potentially be conscious Searle then argues that the distinction between original and derived intentionality applies to computers. We can interpret the states of a computer as having content but the states themselves do not have original intentionality. Many philosophers including Fodor 2009, endorse this intentionality dualismSEARLE’S DICHOTOMY Searle's views regarding intentionality are complex; of relevance here is that he makes a distinction between the original or intrinsic intentionality of genuine mental states, and the derived intentionality of language. A written or spoken sentence only has derivative intentionality insofar as it is interpreted by someone. It appears that on Searle's view, original intentionality can at least potentially be conscious. Searle then argues that the distinction between original and derived intentionality applies to computers. We can interpret the states of a computer as having content, but the states themselves do not have original intentionality. Many philosophers, including Fodor 2009, endorse this intentionality dualism