反化背景:餐桌礼仪,社交基本礼仪. 五章:Dealing Wi油AIDS(8学时) 知识点:1.any,ach,cvcy的区别:2.可数名词与不可数名词的用法:3.for one's sake的结构:4.文章的语言点 难句的含义,文章大意的理解,文章的篇章结构,以及相关的话题论述。5.关联词的练习。 重点:重点i词汇strengthen,carefree,invincible,hang out,break down,make sense,handle,.stick out,tumn one's back nk的用法学习 难点:文章的篇章结构:看句理解:l.Ididn'tknow what tdo,s0匈yIsaw Davidn all and I confronted him as to why we were not friends anymore. Sure,I had heard about AIDS,but that it was a homosexual disease and it didn't affect young people,so I said that it was sick ioke and lent People looked at him as if he had a plague and our friends from school wanted nothing to do with him 【ea他nes起oin Towards the end of May he became so sick that the hospital staff had a bubble around him.so he wouldn't catch our bad .All the emotions that I had held in came rushing out as I realized that I would never see David again. 技能培养:作为Davd的好朋友,在他病重之际,会如何与他沟通。 文化背景:ADS的相关背景知识(推荐学生自己凤读Tt)了解如何正确预防艾滋病。 半期考(4学时) 第六意,How to Be True to Yourself(8学时) 知识点:L1.语法:析使句、祈使句的反意疑问句:2.anoh,oe,the other的区别:3.文章的语言点,难句的含义 章大意的理解,英语说明文的篇章结构与行文特点,以及相关话愿的讨论。4.从属连词的练习。 重点:重点i词C:appoint.conscience.ensure,integrity,succumb,account for,.at hand.back down.consist of,engage in,i he face of,stand for,.win the day,in short supply的用法学习。 难点:文章的篇章结构:难句理解:1.Integri y means havingapers nal standard of moral ity and cthics that does no tand firmly or your in the face of person pressure Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs. Don't engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasine in your life. When it's tough.do it tough.In other words.face reality and be adult in your responses to life's challenges A life of principle of not succumbine to the seductive sirens of an easy morality will always win the day 目前在中国,人们担心食品安全问。以“三鹿奶粉事件为案例讨论企业的职业道德和诚信问。 文化背景:讨论在我们的社会中如何重新提侣正直诚信的问题 第七意,hen Lightning Struck(g学时) 知识点:1.情态动词的用法:2.be going to的用法:3.虚拟语气的用法:4.文章的语言点,难句的含义,文章 意的理解,文章的篇章结构,以及相关话题的论述。5.起伏句的练习。 重点:重点词汇st即m,ut away,代 ament,indebted,.fateful,.pay back,blessed的用法学习。 摊点:文章的篇章结构:难句的理解:1.I reassured her that we were8 oing to make it. 2.After this,London's going to seem like small potatoes. 文化背景:餐桌礼仪,社交基本礼仪。 第五章: Dealing With AIDS (8 学时) 知识点:1. any, each, all, every 的区别;2. 可数名词与不可数名词的用法;3. for one’s sake 的结构;4.文章的语言点, 难句的含义,文章大意的理解,文章的篇章结构,以及相关的话题论述。5.关联词的练习。 重点:重点词汇 strengthen ,carefree ,invincible ,hang out ,break down ,make sense ,handle ,stick out ,turn one’s back on ,mark 的用法学习。 难点:文章的篇章结构;难句理解:1. I didn’t know what to do, so once again I blew it off. Then one day I saw David in the mall and I confronted him as to why we were not friends anymore. 2. Sure, I had heard about AIDS, but that it was a homosexual disease and it didn’t affect young people, so I said that it was a sick joke and left. 3. People looked at him as if he had a plague, and our friends from school wanted nothing to do with him. 4. The ones that still talked with me didn’t come too close in fear that they would catch the disease. 5. Everyone said that I must keep a positive attitude for his sake, because attitude means everything. 6. Towards the end of May he became so sick that the hospital staff had a bubble around him, so he wouldn’t catch our bad germs. 7. All the emotions that I had held in came rushing out as I realized that I would never see David again. 技能培养:作为 David 的好朋友,在他病重之际,会如何与他沟通。 文化背景:AIDS 的相关背景知识(推荐学生自己阅读 Text II)了解如何正确预防艾滋病。 半期考 (4 学时) 第六章: How to Be True to Yourself (8 学时) 知识点:1.语法:祈使句、祈使句的反意疑问句; 2. another, other, the other 的区别;3. 文章的语言点,难句的含义, 文章大意的理解,英语说明文的篇章结构与行文特点,以及相关话题的讨论。4. 从属连词的练习。 重点:重点词汇:appoint, conscience, ensure, integrity, succumb, account for, at hand, back down, consist of, engage in, in the face of, stand for, win the day, in short supply 的用法学习。 难点:文章的篇章结构;难句理解: 1. Integrity means having a personal standard of morality and ethics that does not sell out to expediency and that is not relative to the situation at hand. 2. Stand firmly for your convictions in the face of personal pressure. 3. Always give others credit that is rightfully theirs. 4. Don’t engage in a personal cover-up of areas that are unpleasing in your life. 5. When it’s tough, do it tough. In other words, face reality and be adult in your responses to life’s challenges. 6. A life of principle, of not succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, will always win the day. 技能培养:目前在中国,人们担心食品安全问题。以“三鹿”奶粉事件为案例讨论企业的职业道德和诚信问题。 文化背景:讨论在我们的社会中如何重新提倡正直诚信的问题。 第七章: When Lightning Struck (8 学时) 知识点:1. 情态动词的用法;2.be going to 的用法;3. 虚拟语气的用法;4. 文章的语言点,难句的含义,文章大 意的理解,文章的篇章结构,以及相关话题的论述。5. 起伏句的练习。 重点:重点词汇:strap in, put away, reassure, scared, confide, bring up, indiscriminate, transfer, alternative, anticipate, lament, indebted, fateful, pay back, blessed 的用法学习。 难点: 文章的篇章结构;难句的理解:1. I reassured her that we were going to make it. 2. After this, London’s going to seem like small potatoes
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