S. Aureus virulence Factors Enzymes: Coagulase, Hyaluronidase and dnase Protein A: binds to Fc-lgG to inhibit complemen fixation and phagocytosis Toxins 1. Superantigens: TSST-1 that produce toxic shock syndrome, enterotoxins that cause gastroenteritis 2. Exfoliative toxins: protease activity cases peeling of skin in staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome 3. Other toxins: alpha, beta, and delta toxins act on cell membane and Panton -Valentine leukocidin (PVL) is associated with severe necrotizing pneumonia in childrenS. Aureus Virulence Factors • Enzymes: Coagulase, Hyaluronidase, and DNAse • Protein A: binds to Fc-IgG to inhibit complement fixation and phagocytosis • Toxins: 1. Superantigens: TSST-1 that produce toxic shock syndrome, enterotoxins that cause gastroenteritis 2. Exfoliative toxins: protease activity cases peeling of skin in staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome 3. Other toxins: alpha, beta, and delta toxins act on cell membanes, and Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) is associated with severe necrotizing pneumonia in children
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