Three-View of Component物体的三视图 2)Draw three views 画三视图 Front view The drawing produced on the frontal plane(V-Plane). 主视图:由前向后观察将物体向面投影而得到的视图; Top view The drawing produced on the horizontal projection plane (H-Plane) 俯视图:由上向下观察将物体向面投影而得到的视图; LIft view The drawing produced on the profile projection plane(W-Plane). 左视图:由左向右观察将物体向面投影而得到的视图。 To draw three-view drawings on a drawing sheet 将三投影面展成一个平面 The V-Plane is first fixed. 面不动 The H-Plane turns down 90 H固向下转90°,衡记为, The W-Plane turns right 90. W面向右转90°,Y轴记为Yw。 请点击鼠标左娘显示后面内容7 The V-Plane is first fixed. 2) Draw three views :
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