Mucosa changes Destruction eg.Gastric cancer Gastric cancer can destroy the normal mucosa and block the appearance of the mucosa widen、thickening、crooked eg.Gastritis Gastritis makes the mucosa be wide or thicken by the inflammation. Packed eg.Ulcer Ulcer makes the mucosa be wide or thicken by the inflammation Functional changes Such as Achalasia of the esophagus(see below) 5 Esophageal diseases Esophageal Carcinoma Achalasia of the esophagus ÷Esophageal Varices Esophageal Careinoma-Causes betel nown.Pre sposing fact rs are smoking,alcoholism,chewing al strictrue the dise ilial hyperkeratosis Esophageal Carcinoma-Presentations 10 Dysphagia-initially solid,later both solid and liquid.It is progressive, painless mal discomfort or chest pain at the site of obstruction(patient can .Anorexia,regurgitation,weight loss. .Features of metastasis and tracheooesphageal fiscula Esophageal Carcinoma-Diagnosis Hard barium flow 10 。 3 Mucosa changes  Destruction eg. Gastric cancer Gastric cancer can destroy the normal mucosa and block the appearance of the mucosa.  widen、thickening、crooked eg. Gastritis Gastritis makes the mucosa be wide or thicken by the inflammation.  Packed eg. Ulcer Ulcer makes the mucosa be wide or thicken by the inflammation. Functional changes  Such as Achalasia of the esophagus (see below) Esophageal diseases  Esophageal Carcinoma  Achalasia of the esophagus  Esophageal Varices Esophageal Carcinoma –Causes Causes are unknown. Predisposing factors are smoking, alcoholism, chewing betel nuts or tobacoo, achalasia of esophagus, post-cricoid web, postcaustic strictrue, tylosis(familial hyperkeratosis of the palm and sole,dysphasia), coeliac disease, etc. Esophageal Carcinoma– Presentations • Dysphagia-initially solid, later both solid and liquid. It is progressive, painless. • Retrosternal discomfort or chest pain at the site of obstruction (patient can localise the site) • Anorexia, regurgitation, weight loss. • Features of metastasis and tracheooesphageal fiscula • Esophageal Carcinoma – Diagnosis • Hard barium flow • Esophageal strictures • Filling defects • Niche sign • Dilatation 10’ 5’ 5’ 10’ 10’
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