((litotes)、矛盾修饰(oxymoron)、移就((transferred epithet)、双关(pun)、暗引 (allusion)和隽语(paradox)等,结构上的修辞格如反复(repetition)、排比 (parallelism、对偶(antithesis)、设问(rhetorical question)、层递(climax)等,音韵上 的修辞格如头韵((alliteration)和拟声(onomatopoeia)等。 5.能简单分析文章的思想观点、语篇结构、语言特点,能从文体修辞、历史文化等 专业角度对英美文学原著进行分析归纳、评论欣赏,具备一定的文学鉴赏能力: 6.初步掌握写作技巧,掌握如何开篇、收篇,如何突出中心、承上启下。在理解的 基础上,分析文章的构思、中心思想、段落大意、写作特点及文章的优缺点。通 过对文章作者和时代背景的了解逐步欣赏和掌握文章的体裁和文体风格。掌握各 种文体如说明文、议论文、记叙文和描述性文章的特征,并运用到自己的写作中 去。 四、教学内容及要求 第一章Unit1 Text I:A Class Act Text II:To Build a Kingdom of Love (一)目的与要求 After learning this unit,students will be able to grasp key words and language points 2.understand the main idea,the organization and development of the text 3.leam some writing strategies:creating mental picture of emotions 4.reflect the notion of Ren(benevolence)of Chinese philosophy (二)教学内容 1.主要内容 I.Pre-reading activities 1.Warm-up questions 2.Background information 1)About the author:Florence Cartlidge 2)Discussions on education 3)Discussions on the title:A Class Act )“良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒"is an ancient saying in China.Please reflect on your own experience about somebody saying some very kind words to you and touched you deeply II.Text Study 1.Text introduction:The first part (Paragraphs 1-3)is about the author's family and their 3 3 (litotes)、矛盾修饰(oxymoron)、移就(transferred epithet)、双关(pun)、暗引 (allusion)和隽语(paradox)等,结构上的修辞格如反复(repetition)、排比 (parallelism)、对偶(antithesis)、设问(rhetorical question)、层递(climax)等,音韵上 的修辞格如头韵(alliteration)和拟声(onomatopoeia)等。 5. 能简单分析文章的思想观点、语篇结构、语言特点,能从文体修辞、历史文化等 专业角度对英美文学原著进行分析归纳、评论欣赏,具备一定的文学鉴赏能力; 6. 初步掌握写作技巧,掌握如何开篇、收篇,如何突出中心、承上启下。在理解的 基础上,分析文章的构思、中心思想、段落大意、写作特点及文章的优缺点。通 过对文章作者和时代背景的了解逐步欣赏和掌握文章的体裁和文体风格。掌握各 种文体如说明文、议论文、记叙文和描述性文章的特征,并运用到自己的写作中 去。 四、教学内容及要求 第一章 Unit 1 Text I: A Class Act Text II: To Build a Kingdom of Love (一)目的与要求 After learning this unit, students will be able to 1. grasp key words and language points 2. understand the main idea, the organization and development of the text 3. learn some writing strategies: creating mental picture of emotions 4. reflect the notion of Ren(benevolence) of Chinese philosophy (二)教学内容 1.主要内容 I. Pre-reading activities 1. Warm-up questions 2. Background information 1) About the author: Florence Cartlidge 2) Discussions on education 3) Discussions on the title: A Class Act 4) “良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒”is an ancient saying in China. Please reflect on your own experience about somebody saying some very kind words to you and touched you deeply II. Text Study 1. Text introduction: The first part (Paragraphs 1–3) is about the author’s family and their