192Mao ednErroneous Decision During the Korean War Shen Zhihua and Yafeng Xia 193 Stalin.The telegram stated,"We completely agree to your condition oo of atinevthat of US withdrawal from Taiwan.and the PRC's seat at the UN and thould not be kh he co its Security Council. yorandWeyouhuotv hnd hereon ouSalined that Chn Zhang Hanfu replied that"China's prerequisite for peace negotiations ouhthepossible butr is the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Korea and US withdrawal haheUNand the Untd propose thercndn for from Taiwan"(CFMA 1950.no.105-00009-01.34-37:Chai and yt(APRF10-1)Zhou immediatelye Zha01992,103). The next day,Indian embassy counselor Triloki N.Kaul met Chen oedoMaoeren Sualin'be stating that Stain Jiakang,vice director-general of the department of Asian affairs in pds to the Chaiman's [Mao's]thinking:The be the foreign ministry,to elaborate on the urgency and motives of the strategy is to procrastinate without revealing our hand"(JYZEW thirteen-nation proposal.Kaul said frankly,"If China agrees to the 200).On December Zhou cabled WuXiuquan and Qiao thirteen-nation proposal,then the United States-supported six-nation Gunructinthem,Regarding ngotiations,we should adop resolution will not be adopted"at the UN.Chen questioned the Indian tde of patience while theothers are impatient..Don't revea diplomat,asking why the thirteen-nation proposal did not openly op- your hand too early"(ZEJW 1997.125). pose US aggression,why it didn't demand the US withdrawal,and why the thirteen countries failed to propose a statement when the US- The Thirteen-Nation Resolution and China's Reaction UN forces crossed the thirty-eighth parallel.Kaul patiently expressed his view,stating that consenting to negotiations while China was in a At the UN.on December6,six countries (Cuba,Ecuador,France.Nor favorable military position was not its weakness,but would give it way.Britain,and the United States)proposed a draft resolution con favorable opportunities.He hoped that Zhou Enlai would soon receive demning China's intervention in Korea to the First (Political and Ambassador Panikkar,clarifying China's stand in order to win over Security)Committee ofthe General Assembly (US Department of State worldwide public opinion(CFMA 1950,no.105-00009-01,40-43). 1976.1422).The Soviet Union blocked its adoption.While each stuck After consulting the Soviet Union,Zhou met with Panikkar on oitsown stand.thirteen Arab-Asian nations headed by India were plan- December 12.Zhou said,"China has always advocated a peaceful ning a new resolution,preventing the Chinese troops from crossing the resolution to the Korean issue,and is even more eager to see the ces- thirty-eighth parallel and ending the war through mediations. sation of military action in Korea.But the crux of the matter is the United States.We are willing to know US/UN opinions regarding On the moming of December 7 Panikkar delivered a memoran- armistice in Korea.Regarding the 38th parallel,it no longer exists dum of the thirteen-nation proposal on a cease-fire to Zhang Hanfu, after the U.S.invaders crossed it."The next day,Zhou cabled Wu and Chinese vice foreign minister.Panikkar stated. Qiao in New York,emphasizing his view of the thirty-eighth parallel. The Indian government's basic position is to hold an international Zhou told the Chinese delegates that when being asked about the thir- conference of all related powers related to the Korean issue.China. teen-nation proposal,they should reply along this line:"Armistice is of course,is a plenipotentiary.The prerequisite for this conference not a fraud,rather [its purpose is]to end the war in Korea.It is nec- is that all agree that the 38th parallel is the demarcation line for essary for the United States to articulate its view on conditions for cease-fire.Then.negotiations would focus on the withdrawal of all armistice"(JYZEW 2008,635-636). foreign forces from Korea and the establishment of a unified Korea. On December 14 the UN passed the thirteen-nation resolution It will also resolve the issue of the jurisdiction of Taiwan,the issue and established a three-person cease-fire group,including Nasrollah
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