夏倚荣英语学习系列·全国研究生入学英语考试·考前冲刺试卷CC 下UMR: NETEM: CCIl Part 61.起草宪法的杰斐逊不是有这样的信念吗?——不信神的人也可以是道德 无缺的人,“于道德行为中感受之快尉,即是道德之鞭策 62.看看华成顿亲手写的这些话:“吾辈甚当称庆,于斯土中……凡人皆可从心所欲,自由崇拜神 63.他自己说过(这话也着实被人挖苦了一番),说他在第二次世界大战时飞机被击落,在太平洋漂了四 小时,当时脑子里思索的是“神、信仰以及政教分离。” 64.开国元勋们在政治与宗教之间建起的“分融之墙”正是自由的最佳屏障。或许我们己经忘了当初筑起 这道墙的动机了? 65.无怪乎亚当斯曾把犹太一基督教传统称为“史上最血腥的宗教”,也难怪先人们如此大费周章,把拿 毛瑟枪的手和持十字架的手分隔清楚 PartⅤ( omitted) 率市事事率率布市半和市事拿率事市率率率布事率幸本半布布事市率半事事事市事市市半布布事市半布事市市拿 听力书面材料 Thousands of soldiers and students have climbed the Great Wall of China, and showed a support for Beijing's 2008 Olympics bid. The ional Olympic Committee. On the last day of the IOC s visit to China in February, cyclists rode through the streets of Beijing in an expression of the support for the Beijing is widely regarded as a front-runner for the games and faces stiff competition from Paris Legislei Temoti Fox said he planned to petition [ lE]the Intemational Olympic Committee in support for the Chinas bid to host the 008 Olympics. The Sports Federation President said sports and politics should be kept separated Speaking after a tree-planting ceremony this morming, Temoti Fox said the collision between an Amencan spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet should be handled diplomatically I外交地] He added that he hoped this incident would not affect Chinas bid to host 2008 Olympic Games The Sports Federation and the Olympic Committee of Hong Kong President added that he would file (bet] a petition with the Intemational Olympic Committee, pledging [tf=R]support for China's bid He also suggested that the Intemational Olympic Committee judge China's bid purely on the country 's ability to host the games and not tical reasons Part B Storms move across the United States from west to east Our country lies in the belt of the prevailing westerlies, which swing fio he North Pacific in a southeastem direction to the Mississippi Valley and then in a northeastern direction and out by way of the New England states to the North Atlantic. These westerlies are made up of areas of stomy weather and areas of fair weather, each from 800 to 1000 miles(1280 to 16000 kilometers)in diameter Fair-weather areas are areas of high pressure called highs. The barometer rises on eir approach. The areas of stormy weather are areas of low pressure called lows. The barometer falls on their approach. At the center of a low-pressure area air is moving up In lows the air is warmer and can thus hold more water vapor. The air with water vapor is lighter than dry air The air about the center of a low moves inward with a counterclockwise spiral motion. This spira tion is caused by the rotation of the earth. As the warm, moist air of a low is pushed upward, it cools and the result is condensation of rain or snow. A cyclone is a low-pressure area. Air is moving down at the center of a high-pressure area. In highs the air is heavier than in lows. This air is being pulled downward by gravity nearer the earth, and as it becomes warmer it is able to take up more water vapor. Clouds do not form. The weather is clear As it settles, the air moves outward with a clockwise spiral motion. Ahigh-pressure area is also called an anticyclone an art C In considering that galaxy len who are Southern writers - Eudora Welty, Kathereine Anne Porter, Flannery OConnor, and Caroline Gordon to name but a few -it becomes evident that their genius is the product of a special social phenomenon. Crtics and historians have remarked more than once that tale-telling is a regional trait of the South. It began to flourish wherever people gathered to gossip - on the steps of the country store, at racetracks, in tavems and saloons, or in more formal drawing rooms Men gossiped I 1夏徛荣英语学习系列·全国研究生入学英语考试·考前冲刺试卷 CC 11 Part IV 61. 起草宪法的杰斐逊不是有这样的信念吗?——不信神的人也可以是道德 无缺的人,“于道德行为中感受之快尉,即是道德之鞭策。 62. 看看华成顿亲手写的这些话:“吾辈甚当称庆,于斯土中……凡人皆可从心所欲,自由崇拜神。” 63. 他自己说过(这话也着实被人挖苦了一番),说他在第二次世界大战时飞机被击落,在太平洋漂了四 小时,当时脑子里思索的是“神、信仰以及政教分离。” 64. 开国元勋们在政治与宗教之间建起的“分融之墙”正是自由的最佳屏障。或许我们已经忘了当初筑起 这道墙的动机了? 65. 无怪乎亚当斯曾把犹太一基督教传统称为“史上最血腥的宗教”,也难怪先人们如此大费周章,把拿 毛瑟枪的手和持十字架的手分隔清楚。 Part V (omitted) ****************************************************************************************** 听力书面材料 Part A Thousands of soldiers and students have climbed the Great Wall of China, and showed a support for Beijing’s 2008 Olympics bid. The Great Wall climb is the second massive event that Beijing has staged to impress the International Olympic Committee. On the last day of the IOC’s visit to China in February, cyclists rode through the streets of Beijing in an expression of the support for the games. Beijing is widely regarded as a front-runner for the games and faces stiff competition from Paris. Legislei Temoti Fox said he planned to petition [请愿] the International Olympic Committee in support for the China’s bid to host the 2008 Olympics. The Sports Federation President said sports and politics should be kept separated. Speaking after a tree-planting ceremony this morning, Temoti Fox said the collision between an American spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet should be handled diplomatically [外交地]. He added that he hoped this incident would not affect China’s bid to host 2008 Olympic Games. The Sports Federation and the Olympic Committee of Hong Kong President added that he would file [提出] a petition with the International Olympic Committee, pledging [请求] support for China’s bid. He also suggested that the International Olympic Committee judge China’s bid purely on the country’s ability to host the games and not on political reasons. Part B Storms move across the United States from west to east. Our country lies in the belt of the prevailing westerlies, which swing from the North Pacific in a southeastern direction to the Mississippi Valley and then in a northeastern direction and out by way of the New England states to the North Atlantic. These westerlies are made up of areas of stormy weather and areas of fair weather, each from 800 to 1000 miles (1280 to 16000 kilometers) in diameter. Fair-weather areas are areas of high pressure called highs. The barometer rises on their approach. The areas of stormy weather are areas of low pressure called lows. The barometer falls on their approach. At the center of a low-pressure area air is moving up. In lows the air is warmer and can thus hold more water vapor. The air with water vapor is lighter than dry air. The air about the center of a low moves inward with a counterclockwise spiral motion. Th is spiral motion is caused by the rotation of the earth. As the warm, moist air of a low is pushed upward, it cools and the result is condensation of rain or snow. A cyclone is a low-pressure area. Air is moving down at the center of a high-pressure area. In highs the air is heavier than in lows. This air is being pulled downward by gravity nearer the earth, and as it becomes warmer it is able to take up more water vapor. Clouds do not form. The weather is clear. As it settles, the air moves outward with a clockwise spiral motion. A high-pressure area is also called an anticyclone area. Part C Passage 1 In considering that galaxy of women who are Southern writers —— Eudora Welty, Kathereine Anne Porter, Flannery O’Connor, and Caroline Gordon to name but a few —— it becomes evident that their genius is the product of a special social phenomenon. Critics and historians have remarked more than once that tale-telling is a regional trait of the South. It began to flourish wherever people gathered to gossip —— on the steps of the country store, at racetracks, in taverns and saloons, or in more formal drawing rooms. Men gossiped SUMMER : NETEM: CC11
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