ng: Reports on Leading Edge Engineering from the 1996 NAE Symposium on Frontiers of Enginee http://www.nap.edu/catalog/5576.html 12 DESIGN RESEARCH In addition to the technical challenges, performance-based design repr sents a new relationship between the structural engineering community and society. Structural engineers are attempting to predict the performance of complex structural and nonstructural systems that may be subjected to highly variable earthquake forces years after construction is completed. Building owners are being given the opportunity to select appropriate performance levels for a facility and the option to design the structure to stricter perfor- mance levels, with the belief that disruption to normal operations will be less immediately after an earthquake. The ambiguity of the design process is thereby reduced, and expectations are stated explicitly, but the complexity of the process is increased exponentially REFERENCES Allen, C.R. 1995. Earthquake hazard assessment: Has our approach been modified in the light of recent earthquakes? Earthquake Spectra 11(3): 357-36 BOCA( Building Officials Code Administrators International). 1993. The BOCA National Building Code. Country Club Hills, IlL: BOCA. ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials). 1994. Uniform Building Code. Whittier Calif Iwan, W.D. 1995. Near-field considerations in specification of seismic des structures. Proceedings, 10th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, Austria. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate Publishing Company TA(Office of Technology Assessment), Congress of the United States Earthquake Losses. Washington, D. C: U.S. Government Printing Of SBCCI (Southern Building Code Congress International). 1993. Standard hingham, Ala: SBCCI SEAOC (Structural Engineers Association of Califomia), Seismology Comm 0. Recom. C SEAOC (Structural Engineers Association of California). 1995. Vision 2000-performance Based Seismic Engineering of Buildings. Sacramento, Calif: SEAOC ht National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserve12 DESIGN RESEARCH In addition to the technical challenges, performance-based design repre￾sents a new relationship between the structural engineering community and society. Structural engineers are attempting to predict the performance of complex structural and nonstructural systems that may be subjected to highly variable earthquake forces years after construction is completed. Building owners are being given the opportunity to select appropriate performance levels for a facility and the option to design the structure to stricter perfor￾mance levels, with the belief that disruption to normal operations will be less immediately after an earthquake. The ambiguity of the design process is thereby reduced, and expectations are stated explicitly, but the complexity of the process is increased exponentially. REFERENCES Allen, C. R. 1995. Earthquake hazard assessment: Has our approach been modified in the light of recent earthquakes? Earthquake Spectra 11(3):357–366. BOCA (Building Officials & Code Administrators International). 1993. The BOCA National Building Code. Country Club Hills, Ill.: BOCA. ICBO (International Conference of Building Officials). 1994. Uniform Building Code. Whittier, Calif.: ICBO. Iwan, W. D. 1995. Near-field considerations in specification of seismic design motions for structures. Proceedings, 10th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vienna, Austria. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate Publishing Company. OTA (Office of Technology Assessment), Congress of the United States. 1995. Reducing Earthquake Losses. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. SBCCI (Southern Building Code Congress International). 1993. Standard Building Code. Bir￾mingham, Ala.: SBCCI. SEAOC (Structural Engineers Association of California), Seismology Committee. 1990. Recom￾mended Lateral Force Requirements—Commentary. Sacramento, Calif.: SEAOC. SEAOC (Structural Engineers Association of California). 1995. Vision 2000—Performance Based Seismic Engineering of Buildings. Sacramento, Calif.: SEAOC. Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Frontiers of Engineering: Reports on Leading Edge Engineering from the 1996 NAE Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering http://www.nap.edu/catalog/5576.html
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