制卧爱价贸号上号 营销学原理 a.measurability b.actionability originality d.accessibility e.substantiality 5.Sometimes Ma Fang tells Wang Lin and Zhang Yi that she would like to work exclusively with herbs and wildflowers and devote their resources to capturing a dominant share of the "natural and organic"market segment.If they were to do this, they would be practising: a.concentrated marketing b.differentiated marketing c.environmental marketing d.undifferentiated marketing e.hybrid(混合)marketing B.Scented Disc Player The House of Butler,a perfume maker and subsidiary of the William Schwab Corporation,is selling a device (it calls "The Newest Horizon in Home Entertainment..”The device is called the Scented Disc Player(香片散味器). The player,which costs about $25,is a box about the size of a portable radio(12"wide, 14"long,and 3"high).The discs are scented pads nearly identical in size to a 45 RPM (每分钟转数)record.When slipped into the player,.a scent is given off as the disc is heated.Each“play”lasts about two minutes,but the aroma(芳香)from the play may linger(久留不散)for as long as an hour. The company currently offers 50 scents.Butler believes that virtually any scent can be reproduced and plans to introduce many more as the market builds.A long-play disc can give up to 100 plays and cost approximately $7,while a short-play disc costs $2,but gives only 15 plays.Butler has been working on the device for three years.It acquired (获得了)the rights to the player from an inventor who wishes to remain anonymous(匿 名). After significant development work in the laboratory,the device was introduced on a trial basis in June 1991 in three markets.Information gathered from those markets in Boise,Idaho;Shreveport,Louisiana;and Atlanta,Georgia led Butler to decide on the final selling price,promotional campaign,and distribution strategy.Information from these markets also led to development of the long-play disc. The company is limiting distribution of the player to 3,000 stores this fall so it won't be treated as a fad.It is now in national distribution and is currently being sold in such upscale stores as Bloomingdale's,Macy's,and Neiman Marcus.Sales at this point are relatively low and profits are negligible(微不足道的)as Butler builds its distribution system and heavily promotes the device.Competition currently is nonexistent and Butler expects to turn a profit in the upcoming Christmas selling season. 第7页共9页营销学原理 a. measurability b. actionability c. originality d. accessibility e. substantiality 5. Sometimes Ma Fang tells Wang Lin and Zhang Yi that she would like to work exclusively with herbs and wildflowers and devote their resources to capturing a dominant share of the "natural and organic" market segment. If they were to do this, they would be practising: a. concentrated marketing b. differentiated marketing c. environmental marketing d. undifferentiated marketing e. hybrid (混合)marketing B. Scented Disc Player The House of Butler, a perfume maker and subsidiary of the William Schwab Corporation, is selling a device (装置) it calls “The Newest Horizon in Home Entertainment.” The device is called the Scented Disc Player (香片散味器). The player, which costs about $25, is a box about the size of a portable radio(12” wide, 14” long, and 3” high). The discs are scented pads nearly identical in size to a 45 RPM (每分钟转数) record. When slipped into the player, a scent is given off as the disc is heated. Each “play” lasts about two minutes, but the aroma (芳香) from the play may linger(久留不散) for as long as an hour. The company currently offers 50 scents. Butler believes that virtually any scent can be reproduced and plans to introduce many more as the market builds. A long-play disc can give up to 100 plays and cost approximately $7, while a short-play disc costs $2, but gives only 15 plays. Butler has been working on the device for three years. It acquired (获得了) the rights to the player from an inventor who wishes to remain anonymous (匿 名). After significant development work in the laboratory, the device was introduced on a trial basis in June 1991 in three markets. Information gathered from those markets in Boise, Idaho; Shreveport, Louisiana; and Atlanta, Georgia led Butler to decide on the final selling price, promotional campaign, and distribution strategy. Information from these markets also led to development of the long-play disc. The company is limiting distribution of the player to 3,000 stores this fall so it won’t be treated as a fad. It is now in national distribution and is currently being sold in such upscale stores as Bloomingdale’s, Macy’s, and Neiman Marcus. Sales at this point are relatively low and profits are negligible (微不足道的) as Butler builds its distribution system and heavily promotes the device. Competition currently is nonexistent and Butler expects to turn a profit in the upcoming Christmas selling season. 第7页 共9页
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