seats of education and learning And then I took a few more steps and saw a vine-covered cottage near the small stream. And in a little grassy glade I saw May Martha Mangum plucking wild flowers She straightened up and looked at me. For the first time since I knew her I saw her face--which was the color of the white keys of a new piano--turn pink I walked toward her without a word She let the gathered flowers trickle slowly from her hand to the grass I knew you would come, Jim, she said clearly. "Father wouldn,'t let me write, but I knew you would come What followed you may guess--there was my wagon and team just across the river I've often wondered what good too much education is to a man if he can ' t use it for himself. If all the benefits of it are to go to others, where does it come in? For May Martha Mangum abides with me. There is an eight-room house in a live-oak grove and a piano with an automatic player, and a good start toward the three thousand head of cattle is under fence And when I ride home at night my pipe and slippers are put away in places where they cannot be found But who cares for that? Who cares--who cares? 赏析 知识使人进步。可惜,在欧·亨利这篇精悍的小说中,知识却成了人的桎梏。文章开始, 作者便点名了“我”是个傻瓜,而在文末,却只有我得到了最好的结局。典型的“欧·亨利 式结尾”一出,读者也又一次在惊喜中体会到了深刻的生活哲理 古德洛便是反面的典型。他纵然学富五车,却在心上人藏身的山谷前愤然离去。这不能 不说是一种遗憾,却也不能不说是自作自受。借这个矫揉造作的大学生,作者深刻而不失幽 默地讽刺了一把所有那些故作高深的知识分子,将他们的肤浅和虚伪尽显无遗 古德洛每逢作者便少不了一番吹嘘卖弄,即使在共同寻宝的路程中他什么实际的活都做 不了,却仍满口文绉绉的话。而作者则多次悉心地不忘提及他的自鸣得意,看似不经意,却 使得读者在现实与古德洛自我感觉的反差中读出些许讽刺。另一方面,当得知“我”有藏宝 图时,尽管古德洛冷嘲热讽地挖苦“我”不懂得磁偏角,心里却急切地觊觎宝藏,面子上还 要说得冠冕堂皇。虚伪尽显。再者,开篇作者即言自己还没当过狂热寻宝的笨蛋,而这儿古 德洛却正是这种笨蛋。看来知识确赋予他“金玉其外”了。何况,通篇,古德洛一会儿成为 “情敌”,一会儿又变成“伙伴”。这让人不得不赞叹作者反讽的精妙。 比较潜在讽刺则表现在对玛莎爸爸的讽剌上。昆虫博士曼格姆,身为专心术业的科学家 却竟至把失去了母亲的亲生女儿当做“法律上的附属品”,甚至为了科学而将女儿带到荒无 人烟的深山中。尽管深山客观上美不胜收,这件事却暴露了科学家的冷漠无情—一竟想让女 儿一辈子踏不出家门半步。当然,最终曼格姆先生一副野人的模样,成了不折不扣的科学怪 人,连“我”都以为他远离教育和学问。这便是科学家得到的最终评价,追求了一生的教育 和学问的科学家的最终评价 另外,表面上看,或许结尾有些荒诞:尽管知识分子没有善果,但“我”的善终也更多 是纯运气的成分,并非是未受教育人民的执着淳朴的必然结果。在此,我想或许这样的安排 1 Seats of education and learning:有教育与学问的地方seats of education and learning17 . And then I took a few more steps and saw a vine-covered cottage near the small stream. And in a little grassy glade I saw May Martha Mangum plucking wild flowers. She straightened up and looked at me. For the first time since I knew her I saw her face--which was the color of the white keys of a new piano--turn pink. I walked toward her without a word. She let the gathered flowers trickle slowly from her hand to the grass. "I knew you would come, Jim," she said clearly. "Father wouldn't let me write, but I knew you would come. What followed you may guess--there was my wagon and team just across the river. I've often wondered what good too much education is to a man if he can't use it for himself. If all the benefits of it are to go to others, where does it come in? For May Martha Mangum abides with me. There is an eight-room house in a live-oak grove, and a piano with an automatic player, and a good start toward the three thousand head of cattle is under fence. And when I ride home at night my pipe and slippers are put away in places where they cannot be found. But who cares for that? Who cares--who cares? 赏析 知识使人进步。可惜,在欧·亨利这篇精悍的小说中,知识却成了人的桎梏。文章开始, 作者便点名了“我”是个傻瓜,而在文末,却只有我得到了最好的结局。典型的“欧·亨利 式结尾”一出,读者也又一次在惊喜中体会到了深刻的生活哲理。 古德洛便是反面的典型。他纵然学富五车,却在心上人藏身的山谷前愤然离去。这不能 不说是一种遗憾,却也不能不说是自作自受。借这个矫揉造作的大学生,作者深刻而不失幽 默地讽刺了一把所有那些故作高深的知识分子,将他们的肤浅和虚伪尽显无遗。 古德洛每逢作者便少不了一番吹嘘卖弄,即使在共同寻宝的路程中他什么实际的活都做 不了,却仍满口文绉绉的话。而作者则多次悉心地不忘提及他的自鸣得意,看似不经意,却 使得读者在现实与古德洛自我感觉的反差中读出些许讽刺。另一方面,当得知“我”有藏宝 图时,尽管古德洛冷嘲热讽地挖苦“我”不懂得磁偏角,心里却急切地觊觎宝藏,面子上还 要说得冠冕堂皇。虚伪尽显。再者,开篇作者即言自己还没当过狂热寻宝的笨蛋,而这儿古 德洛却正是这种笨蛋。看来知识确赋予他“金玉其外”了。何况,通篇,古德洛一会儿成为 “情敌”,一会儿又变成“伙伴”。这让人不得不赞叹作者反讽的精妙。 比较潜在讽刺则表现在对玛莎爸爸的讽刺上。昆虫博士曼格姆,身为专心术业的科学家, 却竟至把失去了母亲的亲生女儿当做“法律上的附属品”,甚至为了科学而将女儿带到荒无 人烟的深山中。尽管深山客观上美不胜收,这件事却暴露了科学家的冷漠无情——竟想让女 儿一辈子踏不出家门半步。当然,最终曼格姆先生一副野人的模样,成了不折不扣的科学怪 人,连“我”都以为他远离教育和学问。这便是科学家得到的最终评价,追求了一生的教育 和学问的科学家的最终评价。 另外,表面上看,或许结尾有些荒诞:尽管知识分子没有善果,但“我”的善终也更多 是纯运气的成分,并非是未受教育人民的执着淳朴的必然结果。在此,我想或许这样的安排 17 Seats of education and learning:有教育与学问的地方
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