期末检测 听力部分(30分) I.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) )1.A.classes B.glasses C.grass )2.A.tired B.tried C.care )3.A.405 B.450 C.540 )4.A.The film will begin at 7:30. B.The film will begin at 7:45 C.The film will begin at 8:00 ()5.A.The boy is tall enough to go to school B.The boy is so young that he can't go to school. C.The boy is old enough to go to school. Ⅱ.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) ()1.A.I have a bad cold B.I am doing my homework C.I'm looking after my sister. ())2.A.By bike. B.She likes walking C.She looks like her father. ( )3.A.It doesn't matter. B.Be careful.C.What a pity! )4.A.See you B.It's pretty.C.Thank you. )5.A.In 10 years. B.For 10 years.C.10 years ago. Ⅲ.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分) ( )1.Where are they from? A.The USA. B.England C.Australia. ()2.Which season does Mr.Wang like best? A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn. ()3.How old is Li Lin now? A.11. B.23. C.29 ()4.How much will the girl pay? A.6 yuan. B.8 yuan. C.14 yuan )5.What does Tom mean? A.He'll go to the cinema with the woman. B.He is not going to see the film C.He won't be free. V.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(每小题2分,共10分) )1.Where are they talking? A.On the street.B.On the phone. C.At home. ()2.When did Mary move into a new house? A.Not long ago.B.Last Saturday C.Many years ago ()3.Where is the new house? A.The new house is on 25 Green Street B.The new house is on 52 Green Street. C.The new house is on 25 Bridge Street. )4.How will Tim and Linda get to Mary's house? A.By bus. B.By car.C.By train. ()5.When will the party start?期末检测 听力部分(30 分) Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( )1.A.classes B.glasses C.grass ( )2.A.tired B.tried C.care ( )3.A.405 B.450 C.540 ( )4.A.The film will begin at 7:30. B.The film will begin at 7:45. C.The film will begin at 8:00. ( )5.A.The boy is tall enough to go to school. B.The boy is so young that he can’t go to school. C.The boy is old enough to go to school. Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) ( )1.A.I have a bad cold. B.I am doing my homework. C.I’m looking after my sister. ( )2.A.By bike. B.She likes walking. C.She looks like her father. ( )3.A.It doesn’t matter. B.Be careful. C.What a pity! ( )4.A.See you. B.It’s pretty. C.Thank you. ( )5.A.In 10 years. B.For 10 years. C.10 years ago. Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) ( )1.Where are they from? A.The USA. B.England. C.Australia. ( )2.Which season does Mr.Wang like best? A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn. ( )3.How old is Li Lin now? A.11. B.23. C.29. ( )4.How much will the girl pay? A.6 yuan. B.8 yuan. C.14 yuan. ( )5.What does Tom mean? A.He’ll go to the cinema with the woman. B.He is not going to see the film. C.He won’t be free. Ⅳ.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分) ( )1.Where are they talking? A.On the street. B.On the phone. C.At home. ( )2.When did Mary move into a new house? A.Not long ago. B.Last Saturday. C.Many years ago. ( )3.Where is the new house? A.The new house is on 25 Green Street. B.The new house is on 52 Green Street. C.The new house is on 25 Bridge Street. ( )4.How will Tim and Linda get to Mary’s house? A.By bus. B.By car. C.By train. ( )5.When will the party start?
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