A.At7:30 B.At8:30 C.At9:30 笔试部分(90分) V.单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分) ()1.-Can you guess if Mike swimming this afternoon? -I think he will go with us if he free A.will go,will be B.goes,will be C.will go,is D.goes,is ()2. useful information he gave us! A.What a B.How a C.What D.How ()3.-Your new dress is very fashionable. A.Much better than yours B.Yes,of course it's very good C.No,you are totally wrong D.It's very kind of you to say so ()4.Shanghai is one of the in the world today A.largest city B.largest cities C.large city D.large cities ()5.Great changes in the city,and a lot of factories A.have been taken place,have been set up B.have taken place,have been set up C.have taken place,have set up D.were taken place,were set up ()6.-Do you know the man came here yesterday? -Yes,he brought me the most interesting book I had wanted to buy A.who,what B.who,that C.whom,which D.what,that ()7.After talking with the teacher,they a good idea to solve the problem. A.mixed up with B.get along with C.caught up with D.came up with )8.-Didn't he tell you -No,he didn't. A.where we could find a bank B.when will the movie star come C.what did he do for the party D.how could we get to the museum ()9.-Where are you going to stay when you get to the town? -I may stay in a hotel in a friend'shouse. A.both,and B.either,or C.neither,nor D.between,and ()10.I have decided not to drink cola any more it was my favorite. A.because B.or C.though D.since I.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) A mobile phone is very useful.It's one of the greatest 1 in the world.And many students have great fun 2 with it.But it does harm to their health a lot If you have a mobile phone,it is necessary to know about the 3 of using it and learn how to enjoy your phone safely.Sending messages can be a wonderful way to connect with your friends.But you 4 receive some cheating messages. 5you may get a message saying that you have won a big prize.Don't believe it.A.At 7:30. B.At 8:30. C.At 9:30. 笔试部分(90 分) Ⅴ. 单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) ( )1. —Can you guess if Mike swimming this afternoon? —I think he will go with us if he free. A. will go, will be B. goes, will be C. will go, is D. goes, is ( )2. useful information he gave us! A. What a B. How a C. What D. How ( )3. —Your new dress is very fashionable. — . A. Much better than yours B. Yes, of course it’s very good C. No, you are totally wrong D. It’s very kind of you to say so ( )4. Shanghai is one of the in the world today. A. largest city B. largest cities C. large city D. large cities ( )5. Great changes in the city,and a lot of factories . A. have been taken place,have been set up B. have taken place,have been set up C. have taken place,have set up D. were taken place,were set up ( )6. —Do you know the man came here yesterday? —Yes, he brought me the most interesting book I had wanted to buy. A. who, what B. who, that C. whom, which D. what, that ( )7. After talking with the teacher,they a good idea to solve the problem. A.mixed up with B.get along with C.caught up with D.came up with ( )8. —Didn’t he tell you ? —No, he didn’t. A. where we could find a bank B. when will the movie star come C. what did he do for the party D. how could we get to the museum ( )9. —Where are you going to stay when you get to the town? —I may stay in a hotel in a friend’s house. A. both, and B. either, or C. neither, nor D. between, and ( )10. I have decided not to drink cola any more it was my favorite. A. because B. or C. though D. since Ⅵ. 完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) A mobile phone is very useful. It’s one of the greatest 1 in the world. And many students have great fun 2 with it. But it does harm to their health a lot. If you have a mobile phone,it is necessary to know about the 3 of using it and learn how to enjoy your phone safely. Sending messages can be a wonderful way to connect with your friends. But you 4 receive some cheating messages. 5 ,you may get a message saying that you have won a big prize. Don’t believe it
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