附件24.3 (2)The rotating speed of the hydraulic pump 4-3Ahydraulic motor has a delivery of the practical input flow rate is 63L/min under pressure of3MPa and a rotating speed of 1450r/min If the practical ouput torque is375Nm,what are the volumetric.mechanical and total efficiencies of the hydraulic motor? 4-4 The effective areas of two hydraulic cylinders are 50cm2and 20cm2respectively.The loads they are undertaking are 5000N and 4000N respectively,and the flow rate of the hydraulic pump is 3L/min.This system s assumed lossless.what are the working pressures of the two cylinders and how quick the two pistons would move. problem 4-4 4-5 For a differential hydraulic cylinder,if the feed speed is three times the retract speed,what is the ratio of the of the 4-6 A hydraulic cylinder has a piston 100mm in diameter and a piston rod 70mm in diameter.The oil flow rate is 25L/min and the pressure is 20x10Pa.The backpressure of the return oil is 2x10Pa Calculate the argest thrusts,the moving speeds and their directions at the situations of a,b.c (see the figure). b 1D1 problem4-6 4-7A single-vane swing hydraulic cylinder is 40mm in vane shaft radius,100mm in cylinder body radius and 10mm in vane width.If the load torque is 600N-m,what is the pressure of the input oil? 4-8 A single-rod hydraulic cylinder is in differential connection when moves forwards.But pressurized oil flow rate is 251/min,the backpressure of the retur oi,then (1)What is the moving speed of the piston? (2)How thick is the cylinder tube wall when the allowable stress of the cylinder material is 50MPa? Chapter 5 5-1The supply pressure at a valve inlet port.The pressure drop from the retum por to the reservoir is 1.7x10'kPa.The reservoir is pressurized at 413.7Pa.The valve is sized to provide maximum power to the load when the load flow is 22.71L/min.What is the maximum power?附件 24.3 (2) The rotating speed of the hydraulic pump. 4-3 A hydraulic motor has a delivery of 40mL/r, and the practical input flow rate is 63L/min under a pressure of 6.3MPa and a rotating speed of 1450r/min.If the practical output torque is 37.5N·m, what are the volumetric, mechanical and total efficiencies of the hydraulic motor? 4-4 The effective areas of two hydraulic cylinders are 50cm2 and 20cm2 respectively. The loads they are undertaking are 5000N and 4000N respectively, and the flow rate of the hydraulic pump is 3L/min.This system is assumed lossless, what are the working pressures of the two cylinders and how quick the two pistons would move? problem 4-4 4-5 For a differential hydraulic cylinder, if the feed speed is three times the retract speed, what is the ratio of the cross areas of the two piston rods? 4-6 A hydraulic cylinder has a piston 100mm in diameter and a piston rod 70mm in diameter. The oil flow rate is 25L/min and the pressure is 20×105 Pa. The backpressure of the return oil is 2×105 Pa. Calculate the largest thrusts, the moving speeds and their directions at the situations of a, b, c (see the figure). problem 4-6 4-7 A single-vane swing hydraulic cylinder is 40mm in vane shaft radius, 100mm in cylinder body radius and 10mm in vane width. If the load torque is 600 ⋅mN , what is the pressure of the input oil? 4-8 A single-rod hydraulic cylinder is in differential connection when moves forwards. But pressurized oil is put into the rod chamber when retracts. If the cylinder tube and the piston rod diameters are 100mm and 70mm respectively, the piston rod is under pressure when moves at a low speed, the load is 25000N, the input flow rate is 25L/min, the backpressure of the return oil is 2×105 Pa, then: (1) What is the moving speed of the piston? (2) How thick is the cylinder tube wall when the allowable stress of the cylinder material is 50MPa? Chapter 5 5-1 The supply pressure at a valve inlet port is 1.8×104 kPa. The pressure drop from the return port to the reservoir is 1.7×103 kPa. The reservoir is pressurized at 413.7Pa. The valve is sized to provide maximum power to the load when the load flow is 22.71L/min. What is the maximum power?
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