A.Amber's classmate B.Amber's stepdad C.Amber's brother. D.Amber's father. ()4.Who is Phoebe Weintraub? A.A role in the book. B.A teacher. C.An author.D.A kid reporter. ()5.Which one of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A.The book's price. B.The book's name. C.The number of pages. D.The basic storyline. B Gayatri Verma was a bright 12-year-old girl.She wanted a bike.But her family couldn't afford(买得起)to buy her a bike. One day,Gayatri saw a small pink envelope lying on the ground.She picked the envelope up and put it in her pocket. At lunchtime,Gayatri met her friends in the restaurant.To get some chocolate, Gayatri gave her friend,Mitu,the envelope. Then Mitu traded the envelope for a new pencil with a girl called Lovely in class Lovely found that there were several numbers on the envelope. Later,during the math class,Lovely found she was out of paper.She turned to Gayatri who was seated behind her. "Can I trade this envelope with you for some paper?"Lovely asked. Gayatri looked at Lovely's envelope.It was the same as the one she had found this morning!Gayatri smiled and said,“Yes.” When Gayatri got home,she heard her father shouting angrily "Dad,what's wrong?"Gayatri asked. Her father said,"I bought a lottery ticket (yesterday.But I lost it.It was a winning lottery ticket!" "Dad,what did the lottery ticket look like?Is this the lottery ticket?"Gayatri pulled the envelope from her pocket and took out a lottery ticket from the envelope. Her parents looked at the ticket happily and said,Gayatri,now we have enough money to buy you a bike!" Then she smiled again,imagining herself on her new bike ()6.How old was Gayatri? A.8. B.12. C.17 D.23 ()7.What did Gayatri want to buy? A.A car. B.A book.C.A telephone.D.A bike. ()8.Who traded the envelope for some paper with Gayatri? A.Lovely. B.Gayatri's mother. C.Mitu. D.Gayatri's father. ()9.Why was Gayatri's father angry? A.He forgot to buy a lottery ticket.B.He fought with Gayatri's mother. C.He lost his lottery ticket. D.He lost his bike. ()10.How did Gayatri feel in the end? A.Happy B.Sad. C.Worried.D.Lonely C During puberty(青春期),some boys might become worried about their bodies after seeing what some of their friends look like.For example,lots of boys pay attention to their muscles ()You may have already noticed some boys starting toA. Amber’s classmate. B. Amber’s stepdad. C. Amber’s brother. D. Amber’s father. ( )4. Who is Phoebe Weintraub? A. A role in the book. B. A teacher. C. An author. D. A kid reporter. ( )5. Which one of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. The book’s price. B. The book’s name. C. The number of pages. D. The basic storyline. B Gayatri Verma was a bright 12-year-old girl. She wanted a bike. But her family couldn’t afford (买得起) to buy her a bike. One day, Gayatri saw a small pink envelope lying on the ground. She picked the envelope up and put it in her pocket. At lunchtime, Gayatri met her friends in the restaurant. To get some chocolate, Gayatri gave her friend, Mitu, the envelope. Then Mitu traded the envelope for a new pencil with a girl called Lovely in class. Lovely found that there were several numbers on the envelope. Later, during the math class, Lovely found she was out of paper. She turned to Gayatri who was seated behind her. “Can I trade this envelope with you for some paper?” Lovely asked. Gayatri looked at Lovely’s envelope. It was the same as the one she had found this morning! Gayatri smiled and said, “Yes.” When Gayatri got home, she heard her father shouting angrily. “Dad, what’s wrong?” Gayatri asked. Her father said, “I bought a lottery ticket (彩票) yesterday. But I lost it. It was a winning lottery ticket!” “Dad, what did the lottery ticket look like? Is this the lottery ticket?” Gayatri pulled the envelope from her pocket and took out a lottery ticket from the envelope. Her parents looked at the ticket happily and said, “Gayatri, now we have enough money to buy you a bike!” Then she smiled again, imagining herself on her new bike. ( )6. How old was Gayatri? A. 8. B. 12. C. 17. D. 23. ( )7. What did Gayatri want to buy? A. A car. B. A book. C. A telephone. D. A bike. ( )8. Who traded the envelope for some paper with Gayatri? A. Lovely. B. Gayatri’s mother. C. Mitu. D. Gayatri’s father. ( )9. Why was Gayatri’s father angry? A. He forgot to buy a lottery ticket.B. He fought with Gayatri’s mother. C. He lost his lottery ticket. D. He lost his bike. ( )10. How did Gayatri feel in the end? A. Happy. B. Sad. C. Worried. D. Lonely. C During puberty (青春期), some boys might become worried about their bodies after seeing what some of their friends look like. For example, lots of boys pay attention to their muscles (肌肉). You may have already noticed some boys starting to
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