EXample: Incorporating Subsystem Interfaces(VOPC Subsystem interface <<Interface>> I Course Catalog System Register ForCoursesForm (from External System Interfaces) <<control>> Registration Controller from Registration) get CourseOfferingso ∥ submit scheduled initialize l display course offerings ∥ display schedule0 /submit schedule ∥ save schedule ≤≤ entity>> ∥ save schedule0 ∥ create schedule //create schedule with offerings.1 ∥ get CourseOfferings0 urrentSehedule rom University Artifacts) select 4 primary and 2 alternate offerings semester ∥ display blank schedule0 registrant //submit l saved ≤≤ entity>> ∥ any conflicts?0 Student from University Artifacts studentID: int primary Courses ≤ <entity> ∥ addschedule0 CourseOffering ∥ getSchedule0 from University Artifacts) hasPrerequisiteso number ∥ passed0 endTime ∥ add student0 ∥newo ∥ setData012 Example: Incorporating Subsystem Interfaces (VOPC) ICourseCatalogSystem getCourseOfferings() initialize() (from External System Interfaces) <<Interface>> RegisterForCoursesForm // submit schedule() // display course offerings() // display schedule() // save schedule() // create schedule() // select 4 primary and 2 alternate offerings() // display blank schedule() (from Registration) <<boundary>> Student. - name - address - studentID : int // addSchedule() // getSchedule() // hasPrerequisites() // passed() (from University Artifacts) <<entity>> RegistrationController // submit schedule() // save schedule() // create schedule with offerings() // getCourseOfferings() (from Registration) <<control>> 0..1 0..1 registrant 1 1 Schedule semester // submit() // save() // any conflicts?() // new() (from University Artifacts) <<entity>> 0..* 1 0..1 0..1 CourseOffering number startTime endTime days // addStudent() // removeStudent() // new() // setData() (from University Artifacts) <<entity>> 0..* 0..4 primaryCourses 0..* 0..2 alternateCourses 0..* 1 Subsystem interface currentSchedule
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