EXample: Incorporating Subsystems(After Replaced with subsystem interface RegisterForCoursesForm: Registration Controller: ICourse Catalog System: Schedule: Student 1:∥ create schedule 1:∥ get course offer 1.1: getCourseOfferings Student wishes to create a new schedule A list of the available 1.2: // display course offerings course offerings for this semester are displayed Ablank schedule is displayed for the Student 1.3: //display blank schedule to select offerings Select Offerings Submit Schedule11 Example: Incorporating Subsystems (After) : RegisterForCoursesForm : RegistrationController : ICourseCatalogSystem : Schedule : Student 1: // create schedule 1.1: // get course offerings 1.1.1: getCourseOfferings 1.2: // display course offerings A list of the available course offerings for this semester are displayed Replaced with subsystem interface A blank schedule is displayed for the Student to select offerings Student wishes to create a new schedule 1.3: // display blank schedule Select Offerings Submit Schedule ref ref
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