People bagan queuing up to get in the cinema 人们开始排队进入电影院 12. stock…with: supply∴.with The landlord stocked the house with plenty of linens 房东在房子里储藏了许多亚麻布。 They robbed a shop well stocked with goods 他们抢劫了一家存满货品的商店 13. stand a chance of have a chance of achieving sth. She stands a good chance of becoming a world champion 她很有可能成为世界冠军。 I think you stand a good chance of seeing your opponents at the part 我想你很可能会在聚会上见到你的对手 14. seek out look for and find The ship' s mission is to seek out new life on other planets 这项宇宙飞船的任务是寻找其他星球上的生命 After the meeting he sought out the person who talked about the plan 会后他找到了那个谈论这项计划的人 15. resign oneself to sth. decide that one has to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation You must resign yourselves to waiting a bit longer 你们要耐心多等会儿 The people must resign themselves to a reduced standard of living 人们必须忍受生活水平的下降 16. pass on: hand or give sth ( to sb. else), esp. after receiving or using it onesef Janet stayed at home for a couple of days because she didnt want to pass on her cold to anyone else 詹妮在家里休息了几天,因为她不想把感冒传染给他人 Be careful that your dog doesnt pass it on to other dogs- you' d probably best keep him indoors 注意别让你家的狗把病传染给其他的狗,你最好把它关在屋内 17. take a chance on: take a risk on We will take a risk on the weather and have the gathering outdoors 我们将冒着会变天的危险在户外举行这次聚会 The burglars took a chance on the owner of the house staying away all night-a chance that paid off handsomely 夜贼们怀着房主一夜都不会来的侥幸心理冒险作案一结果代价惨重 18. dispose of: get rid of sb /sth that one doesnt want or cannot keep Factories are using the river to dispose of their industrial wastes 工厂利用河流排污。 The city waste is disposed of in the sea. 城市垃圾倒到海里处理掉。 19. make an enquire into ask for information of have an official investigation An enquire is being made into the diseases caused by smokingPeople bagan queuing up to get in the cinema. 人们开始排队进入电影院。 12. stock … with : supply … with The landlord stocked the house with plenty of linens. 房东在房子里储藏了许多亚麻布。 They robbed a shop well stocked with goods. 他们抢劫了一家存满货品的商店。 13. stand a chance of : have a chance of ( achieving sth. ) She stands a good chance of becoming a world champion. 她很有可能成为世界冠军。 I think you stand a good chance of seeing your opponents at the party. 我想你很可能会在聚会上见到你的对手。 14. seek out : look for and find The ship’s mission is to seek out new life on other planets. 这项宇宙飞船的任务是寻找其他星球上的生命。 After the meeting he sought out the person who talked about the plan. 会后他找到了那个谈论这项计划的人 15. resign oneself to sth. : decide that one has to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation You must resign yourselves to waiting a bit longer. 你们要耐心多等会儿。 The people must resign themselves to a reduced standard of living. 人们必须忍受生活水平的下降。 16. pass on : hand or give sth. (to sb. else), esp. after receiving or using it onesef Janet stayed at home for a couple of days because she didn’t want to pass on her cold to anyone else. 詹妮在家里休息了几天,因为她不想把感冒传染给他人。 Be careful that your dog doesn’t pass it on to other dogs – you’d probably best keep him indoors. 注意别让你家的狗把病传染给其他的狗,你最好把它关在屋内。 17. take a chance on : take a risk on We will take a risk on the weather and have the gathering outdoors. 我们将冒着会变天的危险在户外举行这次聚会。 The burglars took a chance on the owner of the house staying away all night – a chance that paid off handsomely. 夜贼们怀着房主一夜都不会来的侥幸心理冒险作案 - 结果代价惨重。 18. dispose of : get rid of sb. / sth. that one doesn’t want or cannot keep Factories are using the river to dispose of their industrial wastes. 工厂利用河流排污。 The city waste is disposed of in the sea. 城市垃圾倒到海里处理掉。 19. make an enquire into : ask for information of ; have an official investigation of An enquire is being made into the diseases caused by smoking
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