It's handy to havesomething in the freezer and less costly in the long run than making a quick trip to the store after work and picking up only what you need for that night's meal. 在冰箱里储存些食品不仅方便,而且从长远来看比每天下班后匆匆赶到商店购买当天晚饭 所需要的物品更节省。 句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式'to have something in the freezer'; "handy与"lesscostly并列用作表语,而句子后半部分是一个比较级形式,相当于 "to havesomething in the freezer is less costly in the long run than making a quick trip to...". handy意为“方便的。 The extra money came in very handy. 这笔额外的钱正好派上了用场。 It's handy to have something in the freezer and less costly in the long run than making a quick trip to the store after work and picking up only what you need for that night's meal. 在冰箱里储存些食品不仅方便,而且从长远来看比每天下班后匆匆赶到商店购买当天晚饭 所需要的物品更节省。 句中 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式“to have something in the freezer”; “handy”与“less costly”并列用作表语,而句子后半部分是一个比较级形式,相当于 “to have something in the freezer is less costly in the long run than making a quick trip to ...”。 “handy”意为“方便的”。 The extra money came in very handy. 这笔额外的钱正好派上了用场
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