“whn”引导的时间状语从句中提到的4月15日是美国一年一度申报缴纳个人所 得税的最后期限;"dig through°表示在成堆的东西中翻找。 “roll around”意为“(时间等的)到来,流逝”。 When Christmas rolls around,people are busy preparing for the celebratior 当圣诞节来临的时候,人们都忙着准备庆祝。 It is wise to write them down on paper because it is less easy to dismiss them that way. 把它们记在纸上是一种很明智的做法,因为这样就不容易轻易放弃。 主句中的第一个t用作形式主语,而真正的主语是后面的动词不定式“to write them down on paper'”;because'”引导的原因状语从句中的t”同样用作形式主语,而 真正的主语也是其后的动词不定式“to dismiss them that way,“that way"意指“把它们 记在纸上"的做法。 Do you purchase items advertised on the shopping channel withoutever leaving your easy chair? 你是不是会坐在安乐椅上去购买购物频道推荐的商品? 过去分词"advertised on the shopping channel”用作定语修饰“items”;而介词短 语without ever leaving your easy chair'”用作方式状语。 He gaveup the match even without ever having a try. 他放弃了比赛,甚至都没有试一试。 When you are feeling down,go for a long walk instead of going shopping. 当你感到情绪低落的时候,你可以去多走一走而不要去购物 时间状语从句中的"feeling down”意为“feeling depressed'”(感到泪丧或情绪低 落),"instead of"意为“而不是”。 Now l can walk to work instead of going by car. 现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了 We should do something instead of just talking about it. 我们应该采取行动,而不是谈谈而已“when”引导的时间状语从句中提到的 4 月 15 日是美国一年一度申报缴纳个人所 得税的最后期限;“dig through”表示在成堆的东西中翻找。 “roll around”意为“(时间等的)到来,流逝”。 When Christmas rolls around, people are busy preparing for the celebration. 当圣诞节来临的时候,人们都忙着准备庆祝。 It is wise to write them down on paper because it is less easy to dismiss them that way. 把它们记在纸上是一种很明智的做法,因为这样就不容易轻易放弃。 主句中的第一个“it”用作形式主语,而真正的主语是后面的动词不定式“to write them down on paper”;“because”引导的原因状语从句中的“it”同样用作形式主语,而 真正的主语也是其后的动词不定式“to dismiss them that way”,“that way”意指“把它们 记在纸上”的做法。 Do you purchase items advertised on the shopping channel without ever leaving your easy chair? 你是不是会坐在安乐椅上去购买购物频道推荐的商品? 过去分词“advertised on the shopping channel”用作定语修饰“items”;而介词短 语“without ever leaving your easy chair”用作方式状语。 He gave up the match even without ever having a try. 他放弃了比赛,甚至都没有试一试。 When you are feeling down, go for a long walk instead of going shopping. 当你感到情绪低落的时候,你可以去多走一走而不要去购物。 时间状语从句中的“feeling down”意为“feeling depressed”(感到沮丧或情绪低 落),“instead of”意为“而不是……”。 Now I can walk to work instead of going by car. 现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。 We should do something instead of just talking about it. 我们应该采取行动,而不是谈谈而已
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