生物柴油的制备与应用 陈盈鑫 (上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院自动化系F1403007,上海200240) 摘要:该论文通过对全球能源短缺问题引出了对生物柴油的讨论。介绍了生物柴油的基本概 念、与石化柴油相比的优势,着重介绍了生物柴油的制备原料和方法,并将其与生物柴油的 实际应用相联系,展望了生物柴油发展的前景。 关键词:生物柴油:木质油料植物:微藻:制备方法:应用现状:展望 The Preparation and Application of Biodiesel Chen Yingxin (School of Electronic Information and Electrical, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China) Abstract:The current situation of energy shortage promotes the development of biodiesel.This article contains the concept of biodiesel and shows the advantage of it compared with petroleum diesel.It is an inevitable trend that biodiesel will develop quickly in the near future to become a mature technology and replace petroleum in some degree. Keyword:biodiesel;wood oil plants;micro algae;the preparation methods;application status;outlooks 22 生物柴油的制备与应用 陈盈鑫 (上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院自动化系 F1403007,上海 200240) 摘要:该论文通过对全球能源短缺问题引出了对生物柴油的讨论。介绍了生物柴油的基本概 念、与石化柴油相比的优势,着重介绍了生物柴油的制备原料和方法,并将其与生物柴油的 实际应用相联系,展望了生物柴油发展的前景。 关键词:生物柴油;木质油料植物;微藻;制备方法;应用现状;展望 The Preparation and Application of Biodiesel Chen Yingxin (School of Electronic Information and Electrical , Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200240,China) Abstract:The current situation of energy shortage promotes the development of biodiesel.This article contains the concept of biodiesel and shows the advantage of it compared with petroleum diesel.It is an inevitable trend that biodiesel will develop quickly in the near future to become a mature technology and replace petroleum in some degree. Keyword:biodiesel;wood oil plants;micro algae;the preparation methods;application status;outlooks
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