layout. Product 案例分析、数 Changes in terms of trade differentiatior 据分析及同学 and economles since China's reform and 讨论. scale in China's open. economic growth. 二、课程简介 International Economics is a course which researches on international economy activities and relationship,a core curriculum of international economy and trade specialty.scheduled after the study of nomics macr is to of international economy activities and the international trade activities. 三、课程目标及对毕业要求(及其指标点)的支撑 1:An analytical training in the critical use of theories of international trade and finance; 2:An opportunity for students to develop critical understanding of the current policy debate on international trade and development. 3:An opportunity for students to develop critical understanding of the current policy debate on Economies of Scale,Imperfect Competition, and International Trade, 4:An opportunity for students to develop critical understanding of the current policy debate on The Instruments of Trade Policy. 专业类课程的课程目标及支撑专业的毕业要求及其指标点 序号 √课程目标 支撑毕业要求指标点 毕业要求 目标1:通过对本课程的学习,使 2.1掌握与宏观和微观经 同学掌握分析国际经济贸易问题 国际经济活动的基本理论方法,形 济学相关的基本理论包括 成自主分析能力:面对复杂多变的 需求、供给和均衡的意义, 毕业要求2 国际形势能够提出自我分析的观 点,具备瓶别国际局势和言论的能 效用、生产和成本论,不同 学科知识 力:熟练掌握需求的含义、需求 市场的类型,宏观和微观经 函数:熟练掌握供给的含义、供 给函数:理解供求均衡、供求变 济政策分析与实施: 动及世求定理.,孰炼据消费老 行为理论、生产者行为理论及其2 layout. Changes in terms of trade since China's reform and open. Product differentiation and economies of scale in China's economic growth. 案例分析、数 据分析及同学 讨论。 二、课程简介 International Economics is a course which researches on international economy activities and relationship, a core curriculum of international economy and trade specialty, scheduled after the study of micro-economics & macro-economics. The mission of this course is to achieve the global view and the skill to analyze and handle the variation of international economy activities and the international trade activities. 三、课程目标及对毕业要求(及其指标点)的支撑 目标1: An analytical training in the critical use of theories of international trade and finance; 目标2: An opportunity for students to develop critical understanding of the current policy debate on international trade and development. 目标3: An opportunity for students to develop critical understanding of the current policy debate on Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade. 目标4:An opportunity for students to develop critical understanding of the current policy debate on The Instruments of Trade Policy. 专业类课程的课程目标及支撑专业的毕业要求及其指标点 序号 课程目标 支撑毕业要求指标点 毕业要求 1 目标 1:通过对本课程的学习,使 同学掌握分析国际经济贸易问题、 国际经济活动的基本理论方法,形 成自主分析能力;面对复杂多变的 国际形势能够提出自我分析的观 点,具备甄别国际局势和言论的能 力;熟练掌握需求的含义、需求 函数;熟练掌握供给的含义、供 给函数;理解供求均衡、供求变 动及供求定理;熟练掌握消费者 行为理论、生产者行为理论及其 2.1 掌握与宏观和微观经 济学相关的基本理论包括 需求、供给和均衡的意义, 效用、生产和成本论,不同 市场的类型,宏观和微观经 济政策分析与实施; 毕业要求 2. 上海电机学院商学院 学科知识
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