PRI (OMIYOD r PRO Proteobacteria Chloroflexi na (LSYZO1) 10— Cyanobacteria AQ) Anammox adia sinica OLB1 (JZZK01) andid um RBG_13_63_9 (MHYHO1) 0.20 Planctomycetes es rec 女的san nucleotide identity between them was75.93 ctively,while these were 73.9+4.9%and 23.3+4.5%,resp 0.0 to that in the autotrophicgroup The bacterial relative abundance and gene exp on levels (TPM ndhrdertometgattheoreranuencesofacetateonlcaen cted and s gene (COG oTha egulated r pon acetate addition,while36 up (PR tion oseved that of production and n abun and onversion, of B.sinic nucleotide identity between them was 75.93%. 3.3. Prominent anammox species B. sinica and the gene functional potential with acetate addition The bacterial relative abundance and gene expression levels were calculated using the transcripts per million (TPM) value (Moitinho-Silva et al., 2017). Anammox bacteria were highly enriched in the consortia, comprising approximately 55% of the whole community (Fig. S2). The six abundant species were J. caeni (AMX1 ~51%), Rhodocyclaceae (PRO1 ~20%), Cyanobacteria (CYA1 ~8%), Anaerolineae (CFX3 ~6%), B. sinica (AMX2 ~5%) and Anaeroli￾neae (CFX2 ~2%). Gene expression abundance of J. caeni and B. sinica in the autotrophic group were 78.9 ± 2.7% and 19.3 ± 2.6% respectively, while these were 73.9 ± 4.9% and 23.3 ± 4.5%, respec￾tively, in the mixotrophic groups. Interestingly, PRO1 was the only species whose gene expression abundance was significantly higher in the mixotrophic group compared to that in the autotrophic group (p < 0.05 by t-test). In order to investigate the overall influences of acetate on J. caeni and B. sinica, genes with a significantly changed expression were selected and classified according to cluster orthologous gene (COG) function (Fig. S3). In J. caeni, expressions of a total of 284 genes were significantly down-regulated upon acetate addition, while 36 up￾regulated genes were expressed. The main decreasing COG func￾tion observed in J. caeni was that of [C] energy production and conversion, containing 31 down-regulated genes. On the contrary, acetate greatly facilitated gene expression of B. sinica and a total of Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree of all recovered draft genomes from the anammox consortia. Draft metagenome-assembled genomes recovered from this study are shown in red, and closely related genomes downloaded from the NCBI are shown in black. GenBank accession numbers of each genome are also presented. Bootstrap support values are represented at branch nodes. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.) Y. Feng et al. / Water Research 165 (2019) 114974 5
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