·1274· 北京科技大学学报 第34卷 高炉粉尘 w(Te=30.0%、w(e,0=38.7%、 c(Fe0)=3.75% 1000kg c(Zn=12.1% w(C=25.8% ↓ e Zn 还原产物 非熔态还原 TFe=469% Fe.O 结品水 含锌挥发物 105.5kg 907℃<T<1000℃ w(MFe=43.0% Zn0)=73.7% 0(C)=28.2% KC=17.6% 失0 w7n)=0.03% 168.0kg 609.3kg 117.5kg/ 非磁件富C物料 磁性富Fe物料 e(TFe)=90.1% w(G=55.0% wFe=8409 非熔态分离 r(TFe=1.78% c(Zn-0.03% fZn=0.03% (C=147% 300.4kg 311.2kg KCI 富n物料 w(Zn0)= Zn回收、富集 29.5kg 92.0% 134.0kg 图12“高炉粉尘Fe、Z非熔态分离”新工艺物料收支 Fig.12 Material balance of the new technology for the separation of iron and zinc from BF dust on non-molten state 参考文献 from electric are fumace steel dust.Miner Eng,2006,19 (5): Wang D Y.Wang W Z,Chen W Q,et al.Analysis of intrinsic 478 [8]Van Herck P,Vandecasteele C,Swennen R,et al.Zinc and lead properties and phase condition on converter sludge and bearingZn Pb blast furnace sludge.Chin J Nonferrous Met,1998,8 (1): removal from blast furnace sludge with a hydrometallurgical 135 process.Eniron Sci Technol,2000,34(17):3802 (王东彦,王文忠,陈伟庆,等.转炉和含锌铅高炉尘泥的物性 9]Negro P,Petit C,Urvoy A,et al.Characterization of the permea- 和物相分析.中国有色金属学报,1998,8(1):135) bility of the blast furnace lower part.Rer Metall,2001,98(6): 2]Strohmeire G.Bonestell J E.Steelworks residues and the Waelz 521 kiln treatment of electric are furace dust.Iron Steel Eng,1996, [10]Hafez A I,Elmanharawy M S,Abdel Fattah M A.Chemical 73(4):87 treatment of the water used in the blast fumace gas cleaning cycle B3]Huang Z H,Wu X Q,Peng G L.Removal of zinc from blast fur- in the Egyptian iron and steel company:Part I.Int Enriron nace dust by chemical leaching.Chin J Nonferrous Met,2007,17 Pall,2002,18(4):359 (7):1207 01] Ruiz O,Carmente C,Alonso M,et al.Reeycling of an electric (黄志华,伍喜庆,彭冠兰.高炉尘泥化学除锌.中国有色金 arc fumnace flue dust to obtain high grade ZnO.J Hazard Mater, 属学报,2007,17(7):1207) 2007,141(1):33 4]Mager K,Meurer U,Wirling J.Minimizing dioxin and furan emis- [12]Martins F M,Neto J M d R,Cunha C J d.Mineral phases of sions during zinc dust recycle by the Waelz process.JOM,2003, weathered and recent electric arc fumnace dust.I Hazard Mater, 55(8):20 2008,154(13):417 Wu C B,Diao Y C.Yang H,et al.Pilot-plant test of EAF dust [13]Wang K S,Chiang K Y,Tsaia C C,et al.The effects of FeCl treatment include zinc.J Chongging Unin Nat Sci Ed,2007,30 on the distribution of the heavy metals Cd,Cu,Cr,and Zn in a (9):51 simulated multimetal incineration system.Enriron Int,2001,26 (伍成波,刁岳川,杨辉,等.含碳球团还原法处理含锌电炉粉尘 (4):257 的试验分析.重庆大学学报:自然科学版,2007,30(9):51) [14]Wang D Y,Wang W Z,Chen W Q,et al.Evaporation kinetics of 6]Sofilic T,Rastovean-Mioe A,Cerjan-Stefanovic S,et al.Charac- lead in carbon-containing pellets from Zn-Pb-bearing dusts.Chin terization of steel mill electric arc furnace dust.Hazard Mater, J Nonferrous Met,1997,7(4):38 2004,109(13):59 (王东彦,王文忠,陈伟庆,等.含锌铅粉尘配碳球团中铅挥 Dutra A J B,Paiva P R P,Tavares L M.Alkaline leaching of zinc 发动力学.中国有色金属学报,1997,7(4):38)北 京 科 技 大 学 学 报 第 34 卷 图 12 “高炉粉尘 Fe、Zn 非熔态分离”新工艺物料收支 Fig. 12 Material balance of the new technology for the separation of iron and zinc from BF dust on non-molten state 参 考 文 献 [1] Wang D Y,Wang W Z,Chen W Q,et al. 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