Chapter 1 l Transport Subsidies交通补贴 1. Introduction引言 2. Typology ofsubsidization补贴类型 2. 1 Subsidies for the transport sector as defined in SNA statistics 2.2 Further direct and open payments ofthe state to the transport sector 2.3 Indirect and hidden subsidies 3. Normative reasons for subsidization in the transport sector对运输部 门补贴的理由 3. 1 Public-or merit good properties oftraded goods and services 3.2 Externalities oftransport 3.3 Risk aversion of investors in the case of sunk costs 3.4 Natural monopolies and deficits occurring with pricing/investment strategies in these markets 3.5 Redistribution of income 4. Positive reasons for subsidization in the transport sector对运输部门 补贴的正面原因 4.1 Normative versus positive economics 4.2 Interest groups and stakeholders in the transport sector 4.3 Example: The case of aircraft subsidies 5. Conclusions结论Chapter 11 Transport Subsidies 交通补贴 1. Introduction 引言 2. Typology of subsidization 补贴类型 2.1 Subsidies for the transport sector as defined in SNA statistics 2.2 Further direct and open payments of the state to the transport sector 2.3 Indirect and hidden subsidies 3. Normative reasons for subsidization in the transport sector 对运输部 门补贴的理由 3.1 Public – or merit good properties of traded goods and services 3.2 Externalities of transport 3.3 Risk aversion of investors in the case of sunk costs 3.4 Natural monopolies and deficits occurring with pricing/investment strategies in these markets 3.5 Redistribution of income 4. Positive reasons for subsidization in the transport sector 对运输部门 补贴的正面原因 4.1 Normative versus positive economics 4.2 Interest groups and stakeholders in the transport sector 4.3 Example: The case of aircraft subsidies 5. Conclusions 结论