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Handbooks in TRANSPORT Volume 3 Handbook of TRANSPORT SYSTEMS AND TRAFFIC CONTROL Edited by K.J. Button and D.A. Hensher 39, PERGAMON

Transport Systems and traffic control 交通系统和交通控制 Edited by Kenneth. Button and david a hensher 主编: Kenneth Button和 david a. Hensher Chapter l Introduction第一章前言 1. Introduction引言 2. What are transport systems?什么是交通系统 3. Transport systems from the users perspective用户视觉下的交通系 统 4. Transport systems and transport policy交通系统和交通政策 5. Traffic control交通控制 Chapter2 Transport Planning交通规划 1. The three great changes三个大的变化 2. The new agenda新的时间表 3. The new challenges新的挑战 4. Into the new millennium进入新千年 Chapter3 Traffic Reduction交通量的减少 1. Introduction: Why did the idea of traffic reduction become important?

Transport Systems and Traffic Control 交通系统和交通控制 Edited by Kenneth J. Button and David A. Hensher 主编:Kenneth J. Button 和 David A. Hensher Chapter 1 Introduction 第一章前言 1. Introduction 引言 2. What are transport systems? 什么是交通系统 3. Transport systems from the user’s perspective 用户视觉下的交通系 统 4. Transport systems and transport policy 交通系统和交通政策 5. Traffic control 交通控制 Chapter 2 Transport Planning 交通规划 1. The three great changes 三个大的变化 2. The new agenda 新的时间表 3. The new challenges 新的挑战 4. Into the new millennium 进入新千年 Chapter 3 Traffic Reduction 交通量的减少 1. Introduction: Why did the idea of traffic reduction become important?

引言:为何交通量减少的想法变得越来越重要了? 2. The instruments and objectives of traffic reduction交通量减少的工 具和目标 21. Town center pedestrianization市中心的行人化 22. Residential- area traffic calming居住区域交通平静化 23 National parks and tourist attraction国家的公园和游客的吸引 24. Transport pricing: Parking, fuel taxes and user charges交通收 费:停车、燃料税、用户收费 25. Improvement in alternatives交通选择的改进 3. Overall assessment总体评价 Chapter4 Equity versus Efficiency in Transport Systems交通系统中 的公平与效率 1. Introduction引言 2. Efficiency versus equity- key concepts效率与公平—关键概念 3. Transport pricing-运输价格 4. Appraisal估价 5. Transport and social exclusion交通和社会的排斥 6. Conclusions结论 Chapter5 The Concept of Optimal Transport Systems最优交通系统 的概念

引言:为何交通量减少的想法变得越来越重要了? 2. The instruments and objectives of traffic reduction 交通量减少的工 具和目标 2.1. Town center pedestrianization 市中心的行人化 2.2. Residential-area traffic calming 居住区域交通平静化 2.3. National parks and tourist attraction 国家的公园和游客的吸引 2.4. Transport pricing: Parking, fuel taxes and user charges 交通收 费:停车、燃料税、用户收费 2.5. Improvement in alternatives 交通选择的改进 3. Overall assessment 总体评价 Chapter 4 Equity versus Efficiency in Transport Systems 交通系统中 的公平与效率 1. Introduction 引言 2. Efficiency versus equity - key concepts 效率与公平—关键概念 3. Transport pricing—运输价格 4. Appraisal 估价 5. Transport and social exclusion 交通和社会的排斥 6. Conclusions 结论 Chapter 5 The Concept of Optimal Transport Systems 最优交通系统 的概念

1. Introduction引言 2. Optimal networks最优网络 3. Transport and the efficiency of the economy交通与经济效益 4. Transport, labor markets and efficient cities交通、劳动力市场和有 效率的城市 5. Transport in a general equilibrium model of the economy在经济 般平衡模型下的交通 6. Implications for appraisal and evaluation of transport investments x 通投资的评估过程 7. Conclusions结论 Chapter6 Economics of Transport Networks运输网络中的经济学 The concept ofnetworks网络的概念 2. Standardization and networks标准化与网络 3. Economics ofscale, scope and density规模、范围和密度经济学 4. User benefits and costs用户利润和成本 5.Hub-and- spoke networks轴辐式网络 6. Public sector assessment of network investment网络投资的公共部门 评估 7. Regulatory监管

1. Introduction 引言 2. Optimal networks 最优网络 3. Transport and the efficiency of the economy 交通与经济效益 4. Transport, labor markets and efficient cities 交通、劳动力市场和有 效率的城市 5. Transport in a general equilibrium model of the economy 在经济一 般平衡模型下的交通 6. Implications for appraisal and evaluation of transport investments 交 通投资的评估过程 7. Conclusions 结论 Chapter 6 Economics of Transport Networks 运输网络中的经济学 1. The concept of networks 网络的概念 2. Standardization and networks 标准化与网络 3. Economics of scale, scope and density 规模、范围和密度经济学 4. User benefits and costs 用户利润和成本 5. Hub-and-spoke networks 轴辐式网络 6. Public sector assessment of network investment 网络投资的公共部门 评估 7. Regulatory 监管

Chapter7 Traffic Congestion and congestion pricing第7章交通拥挤 与拥挤收费 1. Introduction引言 2. Congestion pricing in time-independent models基于时间独立模型的 拥挤收费 3. Congestion pricing in time- dependent models基于时间相关模型的 拥挤收费 4. Second- best issues in congestion pricing在拥挤收费中的次最优 4.1 Networks 4.2 Heterogeneity ofusers 4.3 Step tolls 4. 4 Uncertainty and information provision 4.5 Interactions with other economic sectors 4.6 Other traffic related externalities 4.7 Congestion Pricing by private operators 5. Congestion pricing and investment拥挤收费与投资 5.1 Networks 5.2 Step tolls 5.3 Congestion pricing by private operators 6. The social and political feasibility of congestion pricing拥挤收费的 社会和政治可行性 7. Conclusions结论

Chapter 7 Traffic Congestion and Congestion Pricing 第 7 章 交通拥挤 与拥挤收费 1. Introduction 引言 2. Congestion pricing in time-independent models 基于时间独立模型的 拥挤收费 3. Congestion pricing in time-dependent models 基于时间相关模型的 拥挤收费 4. Second-best issues in congestion pricing 在拥挤收费中的次最优 4.1 Networks 4.2 Heterogeneity of users 4.3 Step tolls 4.4 Uncertainty and information provision 4.5 Interactions with other economic sectors 4.6 Other traffic related externalities 4.7 Congestion Pricing by private operators 5. Congestion pricing and investment 拥挤收费与投资 5.1 Networks 5.2 Step tolls 5.3 Congestion pricing by private operators 6. The social and political feasibility of congestion pricing 拥挤收费的 社会和政治可行性 7. Conclusions 结论

Chapter8 Modal diversion模式转换 1. Introduction引言 2. The changing context for study ing modal diversion研究模态转移的 变化背景 3. Representing behavioral responsiveness行为反应的表示 3.1 Elastics 3.2 Elastics in the context of passenger activ ities: An example of ticket choice 3.3 Elastics in the context of freight activity 3.4 The calculation of changes in modal using a joint mode and parking choice model 4. Conclusions结论 Chapter 9 Induced Travel and User Benefits: Clarifying Definitions and Measurement for urban road Infrastructure诱导出行和用户利益:城市 道路基础设施的明确定义和测量 1. Introduction引言 2. The meaning of induced travel诱导出行的含义 3. Evidence on induced travel诱导出行的证据 4. The evaluation benefits on induced travel诱导出行的评估效益 5. Errors in the valuation ofinduced travel诱导出行的评估的误差

Chapter 8 Modal Diversion 模式转换 1. Introduction 引言 2. The changing context for studying modal diversion 研究模态转移的 变化背景 3. Representing behavioral responsiveness 行为反应的表示 3.1 Elastics 3.2 Elastics in the context of passenger activities: An example of ticket choice 3.3 Elastics in the context of freight activity 3.4 The calculation of changes in modal using a joint mode and parking choice model. 4. Conclusions 结论 Chapter 9 Induced Travel and User Benefits: Clarifying Definitions and Measurement for Urban Road Infrastructure 诱导出行和用户利益:城市 道路基础设施的明确定义和测量 1. Introduction 引言 2. The meaning of induced travel 诱导出行的含义 3. Evidence on induced travel 诱导出行的证据 4. The evaluation benefits on induced travel 诱导出行的评估效益 5. Errors in the valuation of induced travel 诱导出行的评估的误差

5.1. Evaluating induced travel from modal changes 6. Modeling induced travel诱导出行建模 7. Conclusions结论 Chapter0 Cost-benefit Analysis in Transport第10章交通中的成本 利润分析 1. Introduction引言 2. Why appraise projects'?为何要进行项目评价 3. Princip les of cost- benefit analysis成本效益分析原理 3.1 Overview 3.2 User benefit estimation 3.3 Revenues and costs 3.4 Values and time and safety 3. 5 The process 4. Challenges in cost- benefit analysis成本效益分析中的挑战 4. 1 Extending Cbato the environmental impacts oftransport 4.2 Wider economic impacts 4.3 CBA and frameworks 5. Conclusion结论

5.1. Evaluating induced travel from modal changes 6. Modeling induced travel 诱导出行建模 7. Conclusions 结论 Chapter 10 Cost-benefit Analysis in Transport 第 10 章 交通中的成本- 利润分析 1. Introduction 引言 2. Why appraise projects? 为何要进行项目评价 3. Principles of cost-benefit analysis 成本-效益分析原理 3.1 Overview 3.2 User benefit estimation 3.3 Revenues and costs 3.4 Values and time and safety 3.5 The process 4. Challenges in cost-benefit analysis 成本-效益分析中的挑战 4.1 Extending CBA to the environmental impacts of transport 4.2 Wider economic impacts 4.3 CBA and frameworks 5. Conclusion 结论

Chapter 1 l Transport Subsidies交通补贴 1. Introduction引言 2. Typology ofsubsidization补贴类型 2. 1 Subsidies for the transport sector as defined in SNA statistics 2.2 Further direct and open payments ofthe state to the transport sector 2.3 Indirect and hidden subsidies 3. Normative reasons for subsidization in the transport sector对运输部 门补贴的理由 3. 1 Public-or merit good properties oftraded goods and services 3.2 Externalities oftransport 3.3 Risk aversion of investors in the case of sunk costs 3.4 Natural monopolies and deficits occurring with pricing/investment strategies in these markets 3.5 Redistribution of income 4. Positive reasons for subsidization in the transport sector对运输部门 补贴的正面原因 4.1 Normative versus positive economics 4.2 Interest groups and stakeholders in the transport sector 4.3 Example: The case of aircraft subsidies 5. Conclusions结论

Chapter 11 Transport Subsidies 交通补贴 1. Introduction 引言 2. Typology of subsidization 补贴类型 2.1 Subsidies for the transport sector as defined in SNA statistics 2.2 Further direct and open payments of the state to the transport sector 2.3 Indirect and hidden subsidies 3. Normative reasons for subsidization in the transport sector 对运输部 门补贴的理由 3.1 Public – or merit good properties of traded goods and services 3.2 Externalities of transport 3.3 Risk aversion of investors in the case of sunk costs 3.4 Natural monopolies and deficits occurring with pricing/investment strategies in these markets 3.5 Redistribution of income 4. Positive reasons for subsidization in the transport sector 对运输部门 补贴的正面原因 4.1 Normative versus positive economics 4.2 Interest groups and stakeholders in the transport sector 4.3 Example: The case of aircraft subsidies 5. Conclusions 结论

Chapter12 Transportation Demand Management交通需求管理 1. Introduction引言 2. TDM measures交通需求管理方式 2 I Congestion pricing拥堵价格 22 Electronic road pricing电子道路价格 23 Ride sharing合乘 24 Transit improvement公交系统的改进 3. TDMobjectives交通需求管理目标 4. TDM programs交通需求管理程序 5. The rational for TDM交通需求管理的合理性 6. TDM effectiveness交通需求管理的目标 7. Historical perspective历史观点 8. Current issues当前论点 Chapter I3 Infrastructure Capacity设施能力 1. Introduction and overview引言 2. Infrastructure capacity: Definition and measurement设施能力的定 义和测量 2. 1 Highway capacity analysis 2.2 Transit capacity analysis 3 Air travel capacity analysis

Chapter 12 Transportation Demand Management 交通需求管理 1. Introduction 引言 2. TDM measures 交通需求管理方式 2.1 Congestion pricing 拥堵价格 2.2 Electronic road pricing 电子道路价格 2.3 Ride sharing 合乘 2.4 Transit improvement 公交系统的改进 3. TDM objectives 交通需求管理目标 4. TDM programs 交通需求管理程序 5. The rational for TDM 交通需求管理的合理性 6. TDM effectiveness 交通需求管理的目标 7. Historical perspective 历史观点 8. Current issues 当前论点 Chapter 13 Infrastructure Capacity 设施能力 1. Introduction and overview 引言 2. Infrastructure capacity: Definition and measurement 设施能力的定 义和测量 2.1 Highway capacity analysis 2.2 Transit capacity analysis 2.3 Air travel capacity analysis

3. Infrastructure capacity expansion: Alternative approaches设施能力扩 张 3.1 New infrastructure 3.2 Moreeffective capacity from current infrastructure 3.3 Manipulating infrastructure demand 3.4 Promoting public transit 3.5 Land use policies and regulations 4. Conclusion结论 Chapter14 Transport Safety交通安全 1. Introduction引言 2. Measures ofsafety安全的测量 3. The transport safety" problem”交通安全问题 4. Public policy regarding private automobile driving关于私人汽车驾 驶的公共政策 5. Public policy regarding commercial transport关于商业运输的公共政 策 Chapter 15 Environmental protection环境保护 1. Introduction引言 2. Categories ofenvironmental damage环境损害的类别

3. Infrastructure capacity expansion: Alternative approaches 设施能力扩 张 3.1 New infrastructure 3.2 More effective capacity from current infrastructure 3.3 Manipulating infrastructure demand 3.4 Promoting public transit 3.5 Land use policies and regulations 4. Conclusion 结论 Chapter 14 Transport Safety 交通安全 1. Introduction 引言 2. Measures of safety 安全的测量 3. The transport safety “problem” 交通安全问题 4. Public policy regarding private automobile driving 关于私人汽车驾 驶的公共政策 5. Public policy regarding commercial transport 关于商业运输的公共政 策 Chapter 15 Environmental Protection 环境保护 1. Introduction 引言 2. Categories of environmental damage 环境损害的类别



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